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How to Add Facebook Submit Button in WordPress

Previously, we showed you how to add the Facebook Like button in WordPress. The "Like" button allowed its users to share their blog posts with their friends on Facebook. Recently, Facebook has announced a new addition to this similar button known as the "Submit button". The send button allows users to share their blog posts with their friends who are on Facebook as well as those who are not on Facebook. They can also use the send button to send the message to the Facebook groups they are a part of. Think of it like email – this button on steroids because it has a social twist. Each submission counts as a Facebook like. When someone likes a post, it is shared with all their friends. But because of the hundreds of friends each person has, the news feed is filled with so many other things that your post gets ignored most of the time. The Send button is here to solve that problem because now users can suggest your post to a selected group or friends, allowing you to get GUARANTEED exposure as most people check your Facebook posts. In this article, we'll show you how to add the Facebook Submit button to your WordPress blog.

Note:Sometimes Facebook doesn't display the correct thumbnail image, or the correct title by default. To avoid that problem, you should add Facebook Open Graph Meta Data in your WordPress.

Now that you know this is useful, let's add it to your WordPress posts. First open your single.php file in your theme's folder, then paste the following code inside your loop (in some themes, you'll need to locate the loop.php file to do this):


But the problem with the above code is that it is not the best method. The Facebook Send button can only work well when combined with the Like button because without it it has no social effect. So we'll show you how to combine the "Like" button and the "Submit" button into one like the one we have in this previous post.


As of now, the submit button doesn't work with the iFrame version of the Like button, so you'd have to use it this way.

Once you paste the code, you are done. You should see something like what we have at the top of our post. (Click the button to see its functionality)

There are other parameters and options for this plugin.

If you want to show the friends icons below the button, you should use the parameter:

show_face =true

If you want to show the simple button with just the count and nothing else, then you want to use the parameter:

layout =box_count

If you want a darker color scheme for your button then you need to use the parameter:

colorscheme =dark

If you want to change the text from Like to Recommend, use the parameter:

action =recommend

We think this submit button will be very useful. Because it's so new, we don't have the information to present to our users on how much it's helping us, but if you sign up for our newsletter you can be sure to get updates on this and other cool marketing tricks that will help you grow your business. blog.