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How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

Are you looking to retarget ads on Facebook? Do you want to install the Facebook remarketing / retargeting pixel in WordPress? In this article, we will show you how to install Facebook remarketing/retargeting pixel in WordPress.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

Why use Facebook Retargeting Pixel to increase your social reach?

Syed Balkhi, our founder and CEO, published a case study on how we increased WPBeginner's Facebook traffic by 332% in 2015. This sparked a lot of interest from our readers who wanted to know how they can do the same for their websites. .

When you boost Facebook Page posts using Facebook Ads, you can select a wide range of target audience. Retargeting allows you to limit your audience and get better results with less expense.

You can show your ads to people who are already interested in your website. These people are much more likely to respond to your posts and ads on Facebook.

What is a Facebook retargeting pixel?

Have you noticed that after visiting a website, you start seeing their ads on Facebook? This is called retargeting or remarketing..

Those websites use Facebook's retargeting technology, commonly known as the Facebook Pixel.

The retargeting pixel does not add anything visible on your website. It simply sends a browser cookie to your visitors.

This allows Facebook to redirect users who visit your website on Facebook.

Let's see how you can add a Facebook retargeting pixel to your WordPress site.

Creating a Facebook retargeting pixel

To make it easier for you, we've created a video tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin that you can watch below.

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However, if you just want to follow the text instructions, you can follow our step-by-step tutorial on how to install the Facebook retargeting pixel in WordPress.

First, you need to log in to your Facebook account and visit Ads Manager. Next, click on Tools »Pixels to create your Facebook pixel.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

When you click the Create Pixel button, it will show you a popup window. Simply enter a name for your pixel which can be the name of your company or product, and then hit the create pixel button to continue.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

You will see a success message with the unique ID of your pixel.

If someone else manages the technical stuff on your website, you can email them the pixel code. Otherwise, click the 'Install Pixel Now' button to install it yourself.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

Facebook will now show you the pixel code you need to install on your WordPress site. Just copy the pixel code and we'll show you how to install it in WordPress.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

Installing Facebook Pixel in WordPress

You need to add the Facebook pixel code right before your WordPress theme.

The easiest way to do this is by using the Insert Headers and Footers plugin. After installing and activating the plugin, you need to go to the Settings »Insert headers and footers page.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

You can paste your Facebook Pixel code into the header section and click the Save button to store your changes. Check out our guide on how to add header and footer code in WordPress for detailed instructions.

That's it, you have successfully installed Facebook Pixel on your WordPress website.

Additional Step:Create Custom Audiences Using Facebook Pixel

Now that you have successfully installed Facebook Pixel on your WordPress site. The next step is to create custom audiences for your Facebook retargeting campaigns.

Custom audiences allow you to target users you already know for your Facebook ads. These users can be visitors to your website, users who like your page, or users who signed up for your mailing list.

Here is how you can create custom audiences on Facebook.

Simply visit your Facebook Ads Manager dashboard and go to Tools »Audiences section.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

A popup will appear where you need to choose the type of audience you want to target on Facebook.

You can choose a customer list, website traffic, or app activity. For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to choose website traffic.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

Now Facebook will ask you which website audience you want to target. You can choose all website visitors, people who visit specific pages, people who don't visit specific pages, etc. You can also create custom combinations.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

Next, you need to choose a duration in number of days. Lastly, you must provide an audience name. Use something that helps you easily identify this audience in your ideas.

Once you're done, click the create audience button to finish creating your first custom audience.

Repeat the process to create more custom audiences with Facebook retargeting.

Showing your ads to custom audiences using Facebook Retargeting Pixel

The real fun starts with engaging your custom audiences using Facebook Ads.

Start by creating a new ad on Facebook. You can run different types of ads for different goals. Like increasing your page posts, sending traffic to your website, increasing conversion, etc.

Depending on the objective you choose, you'll be able to select your target audience at some point during ad creation.

In the same audience selection, Facebook will show you a custom audience, and you can select it to target with your ad campaign.

How to install Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting Pixel in WordPress

We hope this article helped you to install Facebook remarketing/retargeting pixel in WordPress. You can also refer to our guide on how to install and configure Facebook comments in WordPress.

If you enjoyed this article, please subscribe to our WordPress YouTube Channel video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.