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How to save your WordPress tag feeds in FeedBurner FeedSmith

In our step-by-step guide to setting up a FeedBurner account with WordPress, we recommend that you redirect your WordPress feeds to feedburner feeds using the official FeedBurner FeedSmith plugin. Today, one of our users reported a bug that by redirecting fonts, this plugin hijacks tag fonts. Which means your feed tags will also point to your main feedburner feed. While that may not be a problem for some users, but for other WordPress users, this can be a problem.

To solve this problem open the file FeedBurner_FeedSmith_Plugin.php , and find this line:

if (is_feed () && $ feed! = 'comments-rss2' &&! is_single () && $ wp-> query_vars ['category_name'] == "&& ($ withcomments! = 1) && trim ($ feedburner_settings ['feedburner_url '])! = ") 

Replace it with this:

if (is_feed () && $ feed! = 'comments-rss2' &&! is_single () && $ wp-> query_vars ['category_name'] == "&& $ wp-> query_vars ['tag'] ==" && ( $ withcomments! = 1) && trim ($ feedburner_settings ['feedburner_url'])! = ") 

Thanks to @dominik for reporting and providing a solution.