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FAQ WordPress fonts not working in Chrome? Here's how to fix it

We recently received another complaint from a user who said his RSS feed was not working. Instead of going to the RSS feed, the browser was giving them a download message. We've answered this question multiple times via email and Twitter direct messages, so we decided to create a post on it. If your WordPress feeds aren't working in Chrome, here's how to fix it.

Why are my feeds not working in Chrome?

Not all browsers have the ability to interpret feeds, and one of the most popular browsers that lacks this feature is Google Chrome.

How to fix it?

Well, if you just want to fix it yourself, download the RSS Subscription Extension (from Google).

If you want to fix it for all your users, start recording your feeds with services like FeedBurner or FeedBlitz. Then simply use the FeedBurner or FeedBlitz link on your RSS icon. Or you can just redirect your WordPress sources to the appropriate service.