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How to Easily Move and Organize Files by Type in Windows

The Command Prompt is so useful that it's hard not to want to use it all the time. There are many practical uses for speeding up processes such as cleaning up old desktop items or ending running processes. Another useful solution is to move files. The simple move The command can be configured to move all files under a certain file type.

Do you have many AVI video files mixed with PNG images, all listed in your Documents folder? This hectic mess needs to be and needs to be organized pronto. How will you find your images if they are hidden with documents or videos? We have described a simple way to extract file types from a folder and place them in their place on the computer. After reading this article, you will be able to move all your documents/videos/images/downloads/etc. easily into their appropriate folders, organizing your files as if they were in a download manager.

Create the batch file to move files in Windows

The following command will move all JPG images from the current directory to the Pictures case. To get started, you can either enter the command in the command prompt or create a batch file to run in any directory to perform the move.

For example, copy the following command:

move *.jpg %userprofile%\Images\

Open Notepad in the start menu and enter the command in the new file. Save this as MovePictures.bat . Make sure to change the Save as type scroll down to All Files .

How to Easily Move and Organize Files by Type in Windows

Now copy this file to your desktop. Run the batch file to move each JPG image from the desktop to the Pictures case. If you need to clean up a different folder, like a folder full of videos and pictures, put the file in that folder and then open it.

Customize the batch file

How to Easily Move and Organize Files by Type in Windows

Customizing the batch file is very simple. Change the image files that will be moved by modifying the *.jpg portion. However, make sure that the * symbol is always present, regardless of the file type it was changed to. For example, here is a way to move PNG files:

move *.png %userprofile%\Images\

Besides changing the file type, you can also change the destination folder. Make the change to the final location, like this:

move *.png C:\Images\

Note: The folder must be present for the batch file to work, otherwise a syntax error will be displayed in the command prompt. If you move files to drive C under a folder called Pictures, make sure the folder is there, because the batch file won't create it.

Basically, here is the structure the command should take:

How to Easily Move and Organize Files by Type in Windows


This should be easy to remember because the command move a File type at a place just as the command structure was written.

Now that you know how to modify the command, you can combine a few modifications to move multiple file types at once. This can be done not only for image files, but also for video or executable files. To move multiple file types at once, create a batch file like this:

move *.png %userprofile%\Images\ move *.gif to %userprofile%\Images\GIFs\ move *.mp3 %userprofile%\Music\ move *.mkv %userprofile%\Videos\ move *.avi to %userprofile%\Videos\

How to Easily Move and Organize Files by Type in Windows


Organizing files is made easy with the command prompt. Literally any type of file can be used, so experiment with it and see how clean and organized you can make your computer. You may even be able to use these commands and command prompt alternatives here.