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How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

Do you want to use social media to increase your email subscribers? If you're not leveraging your social following to build your email list, then you're missing out on a huge opportunity. In this article, we'll take a look at why email and social media integration is so important for every business, and show you how to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress.

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

Email Marketing vs. Social Media - Which is better?

One of the most common questions we get from new business owners is which is better when it comes to email marketing versus social media?

Social media platforms offer a great opportunity to interact with your users and keep them engaged. However, nothing beats email marketing when it comes to engagement.

First, Email marketing is very profitable. . For every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 in return. On the other hand, less than half of marketers agree that social media provides them with a return on investment.

Social platforms like Facebook tightly control your reach to your own followers. Only about 2% of your Facebook fans will see your updates. Even your tweets are visible to the user for a very short time before other tweets reject it. Social media platforms also reserve the right to block your account at any time, for any reason.

Even if social media marketing is working well for you now, that's not guaranteed to last. Social networking websites come and go (no one else uses Friendster, MySpace, or Digg). When they disappear, all the hard work you put into building a follower also disappears.

Email gives you direct access to your subscribers. More importantly, you own your email list And no one can take away your users.

We are not saying that you should not use social media to promote your website. However, your focus should be more on building an email list for higher ROI and long-term marketing goals.

Many successful website owners will tell you that not starting an email list was the biggest mistake they made when starting out. See our article on why building your email list is so important today for more information on this topic.

Are you convinced of the importance of your email list? Let's see how you can leverage your social media profiles to get even more email subscribers.

What do you need to start building your email list?

There are three things you will need to start building your email list.

  • A website or blog
  • An email marketing service.
  • Lead generation software.

All three of them are quite easy to set up without learning any technical skills.

If you don't already have a website or blog, check out our step-by-step guide on how to start a blog.

You will also need an email marketing service. It helps you collect email addresses, manage your email lists, and send emails. Most importantly, using an email marketing service will help you comply with spam laws, and ensure that your emails don't end up in the spam folder.

We recommend using constant contact. It is one of the largest and most popular email marketing services in the world. For more recommendations, check out our list of the best email marketing services for small businesses.

Lastly, you will need lead generation software like OptinMonster. It is the most effective way to convert website visitors and social media followers into email subscribers. See our case study of how we increased our email subscribers by 600% with OptinMonster.

Once you've got your website, email newsletter, and lead generation software set up, you can get started with these email and social media integration techniques.

1. Collect email addresses from your Facebook page

If you have a successful Facebook page, there may be many followers who have never visited your website before. An easy way to convert those fans into subscribers is to add a prominent link to an email signup form.

Fortunately, Facebook has made this easy by introducing call-to-action buttons for business pages. These buttons are displayed prominently at the top of the cover image and are visible without scrolling.

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

To add a signup button to your Facebook page, you will need to visit your Facebook page and click the blue Add a button button.

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

This will open a popup window with multiple options. You have to click on the Contact us tab and then select Sign Up .

Next, you need to provide a link to your website where users will be taken when they click sign up.

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

The link must be to a page on your website that includes an email signup form. Don't forget to click the Add button to save your changes.

That is all! Visitors to your Facebook page will now see a prominent call-to-action button that will lead them to sign up for your email list.

2. Use Facebook Retargeting / Remarketing Pixel

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

Have you noticed that after visiting a website, you often start seeing their ads on Facebook?

This is called retargeting or remarketing. Those websites use Facebook's retargeting technology, commonly known as the Facebook Pixel.

The retargeting pixel does not add anything visible to your website visitors. It simply sends a browser cookie to your visitors, so that Facebook can recognize them.

After your website visitors leave your site and access Facebook, they will see your ads targeted only to them.

Follow our step-by-step guide on how to install the Facebook remarketing/remarketing pixel in WordPress. Then check out these tips for optimizing your Facebook ads for conversions.

3. Use Facebook ads to promote pages with special offers.

People are often hesitant to give out their email addresses, but are more willing to share when you offer them something of value in return.

These special offers in exchange for email addresses are also called lead magnets. Common lead magnets include ebooks, cheat sheets, templates, reports, coupons, and more. The more targeted your offer is to a specific audience, the more email addresses you will receive.

You can create a landing page or blog post on your website that features your lead magnet and use an OptinMonster campaign to capture email addresses. Here is a guide on how to create your first OptinMonster campaign to build your email list.

Then create a Facebook ad for your free special offer that links to your landing page. This technique is even more powerful when combined with Facebook retargeting, because you're advertising to people who have already shown an interest in what you have to offer.

4. Add links to your signup pages on YouTube videos

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress
Do you run a YouTube channel? You can stay in touch with your viewers by adding CTAs and URLs directly to your videos.

Again, it's smart to offer an incentive for users to click on links. Many online sellers do this by offering extra content, learning material, coupons, and special discounts.

You can easily add a link to your video by going to your Video Manager, then clicking Edit »Cards» Add card . You can then add a link to your website.

Once the user lands on your website, you can use a landing page with an OptinMonster campaign to show them targeted offers. OptinMonster's referral detection feature makes it easy to target your campaign so only your YouTube followers see it.

5. Run Twitter ad campaign

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

Twitter Ads is another social platform you can use to boost your lead generation efforts.

In fact, Twitter even allows you to run lead generation campaigns right in the user's tweet stream. This way, users can sign up for your email list without even leaving Twitter.

You can also use Twitter Ads to drive traffic to your website's landing page.

6. Promote old posts with specific options

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

If you've been blogging for a while, then you already have a ton of content that your new followers may not have seen.

Sharing old posts allows you the opportunity to share more content with your users on social media platforms. This increases user engagement on your social profiles, while driving more traffic to your website.

You can use the Revive Old Post plugin to automatically share your old posts on social media websites. For detailed instructions, check out our guide on how to automatically share your old WordPress posts.

You can then use specific options that are only shown to visitors who click on previous posts. You can use content updates, special offers, free downloads, etc.

7. Use Pinterest Boards for Lead Generation.

How to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress

Pinterest is another powerful social media platform that you can use to increase email subscriptions. Just like Facebook and Twitter, you can offer your Pinterest followers content updates, coupons, and discounts.

You can also offer free downloads like eBooks, PDFs, audio or video content, and display a welcome gate to entice visitors to subscribe as soon as they visit your site.

9. Ask influencers to share links to your special offers

Don't just limit your special offers to your own social profiles. Ask your friends, family and followers to share your special offers.

You can also reach out to influential users you're connected with and ask if they can help you spread the word. People love to help, but they won't be able to if you don't ask them.

Your offer becomes more valuable when it is recommended by influencers. It makes users feel like they can trust you with their information.

That is all for now. We hope this article has helped you learn how to use social media to increase email subscribers in WordPress. You can also check out our list of the best social media plugins for WordPress and check out this beginner's guide on how to build an email list in WordPress for more tips.

If you enjoyed this article, please subscribe to our WordPress YouTube Channel video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.