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How to unlock limited login attempts in WordPress

WordPress hosting companies often recommend that you install a plugin called Limit Login Attempts. We love, use and recommend it to all our users. However, in some cases, the limited login attempt can also lock you out, if you entered the wrong password multiple times. In this article, we will show you how to unlock WordPress login attempts limit.

FTP or file manager method

The easiest solution for beginners is to remove the Limit FTP Login Attempts plugin and then reinstall it once you are able to login.

You need to login to your site via FTP and then go to /wp-content/plugins/. Once you're there, you can simply delete the limit login attempts plugin folder.

For those who don't know how to use FTP (watch our FTP video).

You can also do this using your web server's cPanel file manager.

How to unlock limited login attempts in WordPress

Simply navigate to /wp-content/plugins/ and delete the limit login attempts folder.

MySQL query

How to unlock limited login attempts in WordPress

For advanced users who are familiar with MySQL and phpMyAdmin, you can easily run the following SQL query, and it will clear all locks.

ACTUALIZAR wp_options SET option_value = "WHERE option_name = 'limit_login_lockouts' LIMIT 1;

If you want to unblock your specific IP, e.g., then run a query like this:

ACTUALIZAR wp_options SET option_value = REPLACE (option_value, '', ") DONDE option_name = 'limit_login_lockouts' LIMIT 1;

Be sure to update your IP address and also the database table prefix if you changed the database prefix.

We hope this article helped you unlock limited login attempts in WordPress.

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