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How to remove Shake login effect in WordPress

If you have ever entered a wrong username or password when logging into WordPress, then you probably noticed the login box is displayed along with the error showing that the username or password is incorrect. Recently, one of our users asked if there was a way to remove the login effect in WordPress. Well yes there is. In this article, we will show you how to remove the login effect in WordPress.

How to remove Shake login effect in WordPress

The login Shake feature is added with a JavaScript file that WordPress adds on every login page. All we need to do is remove that JavaScript.

Simply add the following code to your theme's functions.php file or a site-specific plugin:

función wpb_remove_loginshake () remove_action ('login_head', 'wp_shake_js', 12); add_action ('login_head', 'wpb_remove_loginshake'); 

Removing the login effect is an aesthetic decision and should be made entirely based on your personal preferences. In our opinion, it helps draw the user's attention and lets them know there is a bug. On our sites, we do not remove the login effect.

We hope this article helped you to remove WordPress login effect. If you find this article useful, please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel and following us on Twitter.

Source:Eric Martin