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4 questions you didn't know you could ask Siri on Apple TV

Siri on Apple TV is great for finding great movies and TV shows to watch by your favorite actors or in your favorite genre. Additionally, the search results will show you selections from both iTunes and other apps like Netflix and Hulu. But Siri can do more than just find new content to watch.

Contents1. " What did they say? »2. "Who's in there?" »3. "Show me the extended forecast." »4. "How's the stock market doing?" » 4 questions you didn t know you could ask Siri on Apple TV

Like on iPhone and iPad, Siri for Apple TV is able to answer many different questions. It may not have as much built-in sass or even as many features, but a few questions you may not be aware of could help with your viewing experience or even just your day in general.

1. " What did they say? »

4 questions you didn t know you could ask Siri on Apple TV

Do you ever watch TV and socialize at the same time? Maybe you need to turn the volume down for someone, but you're having trouble hearing. You know how easy it is to miss a single sentence said by a character and completely throw yourself off balance with what's going on. Conveniently, Siri for Apple TV has a great built-in feature that solves this problem.

If you ever find yourself watching something and missed a brief moment, ask Siri "What did he say?" Siri will rewind the footage 10 seconds and even temporarily turn on subtitles so you can catch up quickly.

2. "Who's in there?" »

4 questions you didn t know you could ask Siri on Apple TV

Sometimes the name of that actor or actress is on the tip of your tongue, but you can't quite remember it. Siri to the rescue once again. Simply hold your Siri Remote while watching a movie or TV show on Apple TV and ask "Who's in it?" to get a list of all the stars of that show or movie. You'll get your answer faster than you can probably type "" into your address bar.

Tip: You can also specify roles by asking something like "Who made this movie?" to see only the director.

3. "Show me the extended forecast." »

4 questions you didn t know you could ask Siri on Apple TV

For some reason, whenever you ask Siri on your Apple TV for something as simple as "What's the weather like?" He doesn't give you a lot of information. It gives you an overview of current conditions, then if you swipe up you get a detailed hourly forecast. However, you will notice that the multi-day extended forecast is completely absent.

Instead, you have to specifically ask Siri for the extended forecast. Try rephrasing your question to something like "What is the long term forecast?" or "Show me the seven-day forecast." to finally see what the week ahead looks like. I don't know why Apple decided to separate hourly forecasts from extended forecasts, but yes, it is possible to see both.

4. "How's the stock market doing?" »

4 questions you didn t know you could ask Siri on Apple TV

Siri on Apple TV provides two different types of stock information:individual stocks or, less commonly known as capacity, entire markets. So, for example, you can ask Siri "Show me Apple's stock" to see the most recent stats for AAPL.

But my favorite feature asks for something as broad as "How's the stock market?" Siri will display a full stock symbol with the NASDAQ, DOW and other markets scrolling by like you might see on broadcast TV channels. This way you can have an overview of all your investments.