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Five Cool Things You Didn't Know Chrome OS Could Do

There are many features that can be enabled in the experimental section of Google Chrome that are specific to Chrome OS. Some things may be part of the official release one day, but they're available to tinker with now, and they really change everything you can do with your Chromebook. Want to change which side of the screen your launcher is on? Wish your touchpad supported more gestures? Read on to discover five cool features Chrome OS already supports that are hidden under its settings.


To get started, you need to open a new tab page and enter "chrome:flags ”In the omnibar.

1. Change launcher position

Five Cool Things You Didn t Know Chrome OS Could Do

Chrome's built-in full-screen mode is already pretty immersive, except when it's time to switch to another tab. Then you need to exit full screen mode, click on another tab and re-enable it. This can be somewhat shocking. An alternative is to find and enable “Immersive Fullscreen”. After restarting, a thin white stripe will appear across the top of your screen, indicating how many tabs are open and where to position your mouse to switch between them. This is similar to the behavior of the launcher when configured to auto-hide. When combined with 3-finger tab scrolling, users rarely need to see anything other than the content they care about.

3. Always maximized mode

Five Cool Things You Didn t Know Chrome OS Could Do

While Chrome OS now has a dedicated window manager capable of supporting multiple windows at once, the platform started out as a browser that couldn't be windowed. While it's understandable why the change was made, some users were fine with Chrome OS working exactly as it was. It may not be possible to replicate the older version of the operating system, but users can still enjoy a continuously optimized browsing experience. Just search for "automatically maximize window". While some apps will still open in windows, such as Calculator and Camera, most will only open maximized from now on. The Maximize button will also disappear from the title bar, so it will be impossible to window these windows without resetting the flag to normal.

4. Show only apps in search results

Five Cool Things You Didn t Know Chrome OS Could Do

Chromebooks have a dedicated search key that displays an app menu with a search bar at the top. By default, typing in this box will show installed apps with general search results. To suppress these results, enable "Apps only search the app list". This makes it easier to launch apps, and since the browser's address bar also searches Google when a full URL isn't entered, it's already quick and easy to perform web queries.

5. 3-finger switch between Windows

Five Cool Things You Didn t Know Chrome OS Could Do

Chrome OS supports switching between tabs using a three-finger swipe gesture on devices with the appropriate hardware. This feature comes out of the box, but there's another similar gesture that's still buried. Search for “workspace cleanup” to enable the ability to switch between windows using a three-finger swipe.

It's only the beginning!

If you're not aware, Chrome OS is feature-rich, even if some of them aren't quite ready for prime time. It is generally safe to activate them without breaking your device. Do some DIY and feel free to share with us any other cool features you find.