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You didn't know this about the compact camera yet

Nowadays everyone already has a camera at hand because they are on almost every mobile phone or smartphone. But if you really want to take good pictures and are fond of shooting, then a compact camera is a much better choice. Compact cameras are, as the name suggests, small digital cameras, ideal to take with you everywhere. In addition, they are easy to use and ideal for novice photographers or hobbyists. Perhaps not everyone is completely familiar with such a compact camera, which is why we explain this handy gadget in more detail.

Compact cameras have the advantage that they are usually small and light, so you can easily take the camera with you wherever you go. Some models even fit in your pocket.

One Lens
Compact cameras have only one lens that you cannot change, so no lugging around with extra lenses.

Many models are equipped with Wi-Fi, allowing you to easily connect the camera to your smartphone or smart TV, shoot remotely and share your images on social media platforms or back them up . It differs per camera what you can do with it.

Set automatically
With a compact camera you can take pictures quickly and easily, because the majority of these cameras have an automatic mode that chooses the right settings for you. So no hassle to go through the entire manual. But if you do want to have control over the settings yourself, you can also opt for a compact camera with manual settings.

It is often said that the more megapixels the better the camera is. Megapixels don't say everything, though. The more megapixels the camera has, the larger the photos can be printed. But do you really need such a large photo?

For everyone
A compact camera is suitable for everyone. Although you may think that a compact camera is only for beginning photographers, this is absolutely not true. There are brands such as Sony, Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Panasonic and Leica full of innovative technologies and with a lot of possibilities, whether you are a novice photographer or a professional.