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How automation can improve call center service in 2021

A call center is all about numbers, call volumes, average talk time, average expected time, etc. Call centers have always been on the cutting edge of automation, often being early adopters of new technologies that later became more mainstream. Call center automation is not a new concept, but it is certainly evolving. Each new call center automation software brings more and more advanced features.

Contents1. Machine learning and artificial intelligence2. Automation of robotic processes3. Automation of APIs4. Automated Smart Interactions

In fact, call center automation companies focus more on improving their offerings for a better end-user experience. Machine learning and AI, while different in how they work, have already made inroads in automating call center processes. Machine learning allows systems to learn from their inputs. They are trained to observe patterns and adapt their decisions and results based on these learnings. AI can be thought of as a superset of machine learning, and it aims to attempt human-like intelligence in machines.

Call center automation is more than having an automated call assistant. Although this may be the ultimate goal of the whole exercise, many processes operate in the backend. It is a mixture of various components that do their part to ensure the automation as a whole. Although some of them are obvious, there will surely be surprises.

Let's look at each of them in detail to understand how automation can improve the service call center in 2021.

1. Machine learning and artificial intelligence

Machine learning can be considered the starting point for automation in a call center. It receives a deluge of data every day and provides an abundance of raw material for machine learning. It is ultimately a strategic resource that can be crucial in identifying and implementing improvements in processes such as call routing, scheduling and service delivery. AI, on the other hand, is more useful for analyzing live interactions. For example, speech and emotion analysis can provide valuable information to callers about a particular customer's disposition, allowing them to adjust their approach accordingly.

2. Automation of robotic processes

Here, the term "robotics" has more to do with computer programs than with the usual meaning of the word. For call centers, Robotic Process Automation or RPA is a well-established practice, which is the process of automating end-to-end tasks like data entry. It involves several steps and may even involve the use of several different software. RPA is primarily reserved for repetitive back-office processes. But they can also automate some customer-facing tasks for shorter calls with a greater focus on quality. Automation can perform these repetitive tasks tirelessly and with precision.

3. API Automation

An application programming interface or API is software that acts as a bridge between two applications. For call centers, an API is an intermediary that connects different systems to work in sync towards certain defined goals. These call center APIs tend to focus on improving new processes or creating new efficient ones. They are almost considered the gold standard when it comes to automation and integration. These automated APIs find many applications in a call center, from custom call routing to virtual queuing and automated contact recycling.

4. Automated Smart Interactions

Interaction in a call center is primarily a customer-facing function. The sheer volume of calls prevents live agents from answering every call. In 2020, for every five calls handled by live agents, nearly 30 calls received some form of automated response. Automated smart interactions can analyze and manage calls that don't require human interaction. The call center will not only save money with every non-agent call it handles, but will also be able to handle more calls.

Now, more than ever, automation in a call center is the need of the hour. This is the only way to ensure maximum efficiency and seamless integration at minimum cost.