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How to look your best on a video call

As we approach the two-year mark of this pandemic, it's very clear that everyone could use a refresher course to look their best in front of the camera. Beautiful lighting and neatly decorated shelving used to be the norm for video conferencing, but now it seems my co-workers don't mind hiding their messy living rooms, bedrooms, and offices. And the days of flattering lighting are long gone.

SummaryBrighten your faceRaise your cameraTest your video before the callFind a quiet place (and your best headphones)Get comfortable

Like an Edge video director and animator, let me assure you that your messy background and poor lighting are still very distracting. So let's make it our New Year's resolution to refresh our video chat setups:knowing where to sit for the best light and choosing the right microphone to stay comfortable.

Here are my tips and tricks for becoming a video call MVP again.

How to look your best on a video call

Light-up your face

It's better to start with the lighting because that will dictate where you sit. Open your blinds and let in natural light, but don't let all that light hit your back. I recommend having your largest light source either directly in front of you or less than 45 degrees directly in front of you.

Also be aware that your screen can be a great source of light, so adjust your screen brightness as well, especially if you're taking a call without natural light. A bright screen can bring out the highlights of your face, making you look more like Casper the Ghost than a video-calling champion.

And if you wear glasses and keep your computer screen too bright, everyone on your Zoom call will be able to see themselves in the glare on your lenses. Dim your screen and place some lighting at that 45 degree angle – you'll look much better.

How to look your best on a video call

How to look your best on a video call

Raise your camera

There is one, and only one, acceptable shooting angle:front and eye level. Your table will almost certainly be lower than your face, which means people will look at you unflatteringly. Use a set of books, a stool, or a taller table to make sure your camera is at eye level. You don't want people to feel like they are looking you up and down.

How to look your best on a video call

Test your video before the call

You want to show up to your meeting in style, without adjusting your surroundings, screen brightness, angle, or live hair for everyone to see. Zoom, Webex, and other video conferencing apps have an option to show you a preview of your video before the call starts. If you select this option, a video preview will appear before you enter a call so you can check how everything looks. Skype will show you this preview by default, but if I'm using a video conferencing app that doesn't include previews, I open Photo Booth to check my video before entering a call.

Once the call starts, I recommend that you hide your own video. Not only will you be less likely to comb your hair or change angles during the call, but you'll also be less distracting to yourself and others. You can do this in Zoom by hovering your cursor over your own video window, clicking the three dots in the top right corner, and choosing "Hide Personal View". It can be easy to forget you're on camera without your video preview, so try not to pick your nose.

How to look your best on a video call

Find-a-quiet-place (and-your-best-headphones)

Most of us don't have much control over audio, but you'll sound better if you take a call in a quiet place. Also keep in mind that your headphones may have a better mic than your computer. Most video conferencing apps have a tool in their settings to test your mic, and I recommend gathering all the mics in your house (headsets often have one built in) and testing them to find the one that sounds the clearest. .

As a courtesy to others, please keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking. You might be used to your neighbor's midday thrash metal, but no one else is. In Zoom, I use the feature that lets you wake up while holding down the spacebar.

How to look your best on a video call

Get comfortable

Just like in a physical meeting, once you join a call, you shouldn't get up and walk around. Start with a comfortable place to sit or stand for a long time. Although I like to sit on my bed, I found sitting cross-legged for more than 20 minutes was not comfortable for me, so I moved my video call setup to my desk. upright. If you're using a laptop, have a charger plugged in and ready when your battery runs low. I also like to bring a bottle of water and a cup of coffee to my meetings.

How to look your best on a video call

And finally:keep it professional, even if you haven't taken off your sweatpants in over a year. May a 10/10 on Room Rater always be in your favor!

Updated January 17, 2022, 8:30 am ET: This article was originally published on April 8, 2020 and contains minor updates to keep it current.

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