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Six must-have features of an e-commerce website

Preparing a trap to attract online buyers will take time and effort. You need to consider various factors while developing your e-commerce website. It won't be an overstatement to say that your eCommerce website would be incomplete without a few features. Website designs like dynamic searches and 360-degree product views are required, but features aren't on the list. Incorporating these features into your site will make it relevant and competitive. This article will walk you through a few eCommerce website features that guarantee a solid customer experience and conversions. Keep reading to learn more!

ContentsEssential features of e-commerce website:1. User-friendly:2. User Generated Reviews:3. Mobile-friendly website:4. Wishlists:5. Security Features:6. Search Engine Optimization:Create a fantastic online shopping experience with e-commerce experts!

Essential e-commerce website features:

E-commerce website design trends have evolved tremendously. However, a large part of the conversions is dedicated to the elements and functionalities integrated into a site. From improved customer experience to more conversions, these features can earn you more than you expected. Here are some important features you should know about.

1. Friendly:

Ease of use is something you need to keep in mind when designing your eCommerce website. 75% of customers prefer simplicity, and you should take advantage of that. Don't let your customers face unnecessary complexities and help them get what they want easily. If you manage to provide a solid customer experience, your online store will only grow.

You don't have to sacrifice elegance to bring simplicity. All you have to do is keep an optimal balance between the two. The best would be to opt for e-commerce solutions Dubai if the task seems too complicated for you!

2. User Generated Reviews:

Do you know that 57% of consumers buy products/services online if they have four or more stars? This is a considerable number, and it should not be overlooked. It is imperative to take note of the fact that 95% of online shoppers read reviews. Why not add the review option to your eCommerce website?

Reviews, whether positive or negative, will convince your visitors that they are real. A bunch of positive reviews will drive your visitors away as they perceive it as fake. Adding the user-generated reviews feature will help your site build enthusiastic fans.

3. Mobile-friendly website:

Online transactions are done more on mobile phones than on a laptop or PC. It would cost you less to build a responsive and mobile-friendly eCommerce website to reap its benefits. Make sure your content is intuitively responsive to mobile screens so the UX stays on top.

Do you want to improve your sales and your Google ranking? A mobile-friendly and responsive eCommerce website is all you need. It doesn't matter how many pages your website has; they can win big if they are responsive.

4. Wishlists:

Remarketing campaigns are hard to execute, but with wishlists, it's easier than ever. Customers will add items to your store and likely purchase them in the future. Isn't that a great idea? Of course it is! Sites that lack wishlists certainly leave a fair amount of profit to competitors.

Additionally, wishlists can drive more engagement and ensure brand sharing with new prospects. Are you missing this feature on your site? Connect with e-commerce solution partners and install today! It's no less than gold in the pocket.

5. Security Features:

Online shoppers will never trust a seller vulnerable to cyberattacks. Since online transactions require customers to put in their confidential data like mobile phone numbers and credit card numbers, they will opt for a safer option first. It all starts with choosing a safer and more secure e-commerce platform.

It's no wonder your e-commerce gets more traffic than expected if your site is safe to use. Online shoppers will trust you with their private information and you must keep it confidential. Some of the security features you need on your site are listed here:

  • SSL Certificate (Secure Socket Layers)
  • Use a firewall
  • Link to privacy policy in footer
  • Two-factor authentication

6. Search Engine Optimization:

How would customers land on your site on the SERPs in the midst of such competition? Well, the answer is search engine optimization (SEO). With optimized content and images, you stand the chance of higher visibility on search engine results pages.

E-commerce SEO is necessary to set yourself apart from your competitors in today's dynamic market. You are not the only one selling online; others have the same business goals as you. Consider beating them with effective SEO campaigns and strategies.

Create a fantastic online-selling-experience with e-commerce experts !

Selling online has always been a difficult task. With so many advancements and high competition in the market, creating a strong sales experience is nearly impossible. It is necessary to partner with e-commerce experts to take your website to new heights.