A friend of mine, an Australian, built a tech news website from scratch. He didn't know it would go so well. He started the project in October last year and went live in January this year. I'm not sure how far you've come. The other day he was talking to a friend of his in India about how good it was, and I was asked what I thought. The site delivers new techniques australia
Turns out my friend knew something about starting a business, so he told me about his friend's plans. He said his tech news website grew out of a series of articles he wrote about computing for Australian students. He wrote six of them and they are now published all over the internet. He didn't know how much they would end up being worth, but the articles did well and were downloaded hundreds of times.
He said article revenue was not huge but was stable. About a month ago, however, he received an offer from an American company to do two things. One was to write more articles. The second thing was to start an endowment project, which he does now.
So what did he know of this adventure? He knew there were people doing it in Australia, so he went to them and got a job. Apparently he didn't know there were people doing it in Australia, so he figured he should give it a try.
What did he learn? Apparently he knew a bit about technology and business, so he was able to handle all the technical details himself, but he did the writing. Which is quite impressive. All of his articles are interesting and informative, and no matter what you're looking for, he can probably give you some great ideas.
I guess part of what he did was create a website where others could comment on the stories he wrote. It worked well too. If you have a great sense of humor, it could lead to a whole career, like he did. A few years ago, he started a tech magazine, and it's doing pretty well.
Of course, he would have to do a lot of PR and SEO to get that kind of buzz. But he did, and it worked. Still, there are plenty of people who would like to know a little more about the inner workings of a tech company, so they can do their own research. If you want to know a little, that's okay.
There is another benefit to learning how a man builds a tech news website. If you ever meet an entrepreneur starting a new business, you'll likely learn more about them through conversation with a friend or acquaintance. They'll tell you all about how they bought a website, figured out how to market it, and became some kind of huge success. If you learn how to build a tech news website from an expert, you can get the same kind of story. You will have a first-hand experience when the person launches their own site.
You also know the guy couldn't have done it without any help. He wouldn't have been able to meet the growing demand if he had tried to do it on his own. This is one of the things that makes many people so frustrated with DIY projects. Sure, you could figure it all out yourself, but you wouldn't have the satisfaction of actually seeing the end result.
You also know that the man who built a tech news website took his time. He took the time to fully understand what he was doing. He didn't try to speed up his process, and he didn't try to cut corners. He wanted to make sure his project was as high quality and useful as possible.
If you ever meet someone like that, ask them what they did to get started. Ask him why he wanted to create a technology site. Ask him how he knew how to create web pages. Most of the time, they will tell you that they just “thought about it”. Don't be afraid to ask them specific questions, though. Chances are you'll learn quite a bit.