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Web Design 101:An Example of Website Navigation

When people visit your website and have trouble finding what they want, they leave and visit one of your competitor's websites. This is why you need to invest in good website navigation. The goal is to allow site visitors to move effortlessly from one web page to another.

ContentsHeader navigation menuContent layoutFooter navigation menuUse the right website navigation example to enhance your site design

To achieve this goal, you will need to look for a perfect website navigation example. Here you will get tips on how to set up your website content. Also, you will see the navigation errors you have made and improve the web design.

Keep reading to see a sample website navigation to learn the things you need to change.

Header navigation menu

The header is the most valuable part of your website's homepage. It offers navigation to important pages that provide more information about your business. The idea is to allow Internet users to easily find the page they want to consult instantly.

For example, the header navigation menu will have:

  • Home
  • Services/Products
  • About us
  • Testimonials
  • Blog
  • Contact

Each of these elements will direct the visitor to a page that will provide more content. For example, the services section might have a drop-down menu that showcases the different services you provide. You can see this page to get a more complete idea of ​​the header navigation menu setup.

Content layout

Under the header navigation menu, you will need to provide more content about your business. Also, here you can enter internal links that direct people to different pages. For example, you can add a section where people can register on your website.

You should learn the common web design mistakes to avoid when crafting content layout. The goal is to have an easy-to-navigate structure and provide relevant content. Find the best web design experts near you who will help you develop this part.

On the content, the layout adds sections that call people to perform various actions. Here you can show why your business is the best in the industry. You can also add the prices you charge for the products or services you sell.

Common practice with most websites is to have contact and support in the footer menu. This is why some people ignore the menu and header content when searching for company contact details. Therefore, look for resources that will guide you on the right items to add to the footer navigation menu.

Additionally, in the footer menu, you can add quick links to various resources that will be helpful to website visitors. The goal is to make your website relevant and improve its usability.

Use-the-right-website-navigation-example- website to improve your site design

One of the best web design tips is to improve navigation by adding the right menus. This is why you should rely on the best website navigation example. The goal is to see what features you need to add to your website to make it easy for users to find relevant pages and content.

For more business and marketing tips, check out our other blogs.