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Here's how a mobile app can increase your customer base

Your business is an important entity for you and you would like it to grow as much as possible as soon as possible, right?

SummaryA whole new distribution medium Improved customer reachHigher retention ratesIncomparable return on investment

But to do this, you must first fill your arsenal with all the right tools. Also, if you're reading this article, chances are you don't have a mobile app for your business, right?

Good! If you're the type to rely on old business mediums and methodologies, it's time for a change for the better.

Here are some facts for you that will defend our point of view on why and how having a mobile app will positively impact your business.

A brand-new distribution media

A distribution medium is a channel where you can promote your product and expect the customer to come through to get sales.

If we do simple calculations, the number of distribution channels turns out to be directly proportional to the chances of you selling your product.

Yes! If you have a website, mobile app, local store, active social media platform, and tons of other distribution channels, you'll double your chances of success and succeed in your marketing game.


Unlike any other medium, where the user should be the main one in the interaction medium, a mobile application, once installed, can launch dialogs to prompt users to perform certain specified actions.

Thanks to push notifications, mobile applications keep the user in their remarketing loop. Thus, it reduces your marketing costs and engages users already connected with your brand/organization. And as they say, the cost of retargeting old users is much less than bringing in new ones; it is an excellent tool for reducing costs.

Higher retention rates

If you have a mobile app that looks good and seems efficient, users will be much more attracted to it. Eventually, they end up scrolling, browsing, and overall giving you a much higher retention rate than any other distribution medium.

Incomparable return on investment

With all the benefits listed above, you can guess that mobile apps generate higher ROI than any other distribution medium.

Social media campaigns last for a short time and require a constant disbursement of funds. While a website requires continuous investments in digital marketing, ranking improvements with SEO methodologies, etc.

Once installed on a user's device, an app is barely removed until the user completely wipes their device. Now, if you don't believe this fact, then you are more than welcome to check your device, and you will spot at least 10+ apps which are totally useless in your app drawer.

So, overall, mobile apps offer a much higher return on investment and should be preferred by anyone starting a new business or moving to a new model.

Wait! Before you rush to your nearby local store that claims to make the best of mobile apps, there is one last thing you need to rethink.

In everything we've talked about, we've been referring to mobile apps being a class of their own, something that looks good and works well.

This means that mobile apps will bring growth to your business, but only if they have been carefully developed by a good react native app development company

TechAhead is one such mobile app development company who you can trust. With a bagful of awards over the past 11 years of operational experience, they are the trusted choice of all.

With a portfolio of clients such as Audi, ESPN, AXA, ICC, etc., they can build apps that can "grow your business tenfold."

Still have doubts about why apps work so well? Well ! Get one and be done with this question.