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How can you find beta users to test your app?

Are you ready to develop an app? If so, you need to ensure that your application performs well for all defined use cases and gain market validation.

ContentsReach the Right UsersUsing the Mailing ListPersonal ProvisioningFacebook GroupsLast Thoughts

People often have this misconception that market validation of apps should be done after full production. However, this is not the case. There is a way to do your production and validation process simultaneously.

You can acquire beta users to sign up for your app before releasing it to a wider market; This would help you immensely with validation and find issues with current use cases. On top of that, you might also get insight into a scenario or case that you hadn't thought of before.

And finally, when you hit the app store with your first version of the app, you will be more confident that the app will resonate perfectly with your target segment and have a better idea of ​​how to promote and position it.

Approach the right users

You should ensure that your beta users belong to a segment or group of your target audience; this allows you to get the most relevant and good quality comments.

When you're developing an app, you don't just want people to report bugs in your app; instead, you need feedback on which features work best for them and which don't.

To hold people's attention and keep them busy with your app, you need to offer them the ultimate incentive. So think about it to reveal what's inside for them.

Now let's see how to acquire the right users to test your app in beta.

Using the mailing list

If you don't have a mailing list, you should start building one. You can use email search tools to find your target audience's email address. This is ideal for collecting the email addresses of the desired audience before going to the production stage.

Once you've created the list, keep your audience engaged with videos, newsletters, information, etc., at regular intervals; This will ensure that you have a warmed up list of potential customers.

From your email list, you need to identify the most engaged group of people and segment them separately. People in this segment are more likely to become beta testers for your app.

Personal supply

It is possible to personally meet and find the right people to beta test your mobile application. This way, it is simple for you to receive first-hand feedback from the target audience. Additionally, you can directly interact with beta users and observe them as they use the app.

Facebook Groups

Lately, Facebook groups have gained immense demand. As a result, you can find Facebook groups for almost any area of ​​interest and topic you could think of.

You should join relevant groups and actively start participating in conversations. As an apprentice, you must show up to help other members on your journey; It would help you engage with the audience.

Last thoughts

Please don't take beta testing for granted, as you can't put yourself at risk of discovering something wrong with your app after it's launched.

As soon as you have the idea to develop an application, I suggest you start creating the audience list.