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Queue Management System Key Guide

Queue management is all about improving your business by controlling the queuing experience of your customers.

There are two types of wait times, as described in the article How to Manage the Waiting Experience for Customers.

  • The time it takes for a consumer to decide to buy something and get it.
  • The time it takes for a consumer to decide to buy something and then get it.

Both types of wait times should be considered as a service provider. Reduce actual wait time while increasing perceived wait time if you want to improve the customer experience.

Customer journey management versus queue management

In the middle of the 20th century, the term “queue management” was coined. The main objective at the time was to improve the customer's waiting experience by reducing the actual waiting time inside a restaurant, for example. New technologies have become a more complicated customer experience in recent years. Service providers must now control the entire customer experience, from pre-arrival to post-service. So, at Qmatic, we prefer to talk about Customer Journey Management rather than Queue Management. You can learn more about the differences between the phrases on the Customer Journey Management page.

On this page, however, we will use a revised definition of conventional queue management:

“The practice of improving your business by controlling customer queuing experiences throughout their customer journey is known as a Queue Management System”

Queue management systems come in a variety of shapes and sizes

A Queue Management System, as mentioned earlier, can include both software and hardware. Here are some examples of such works. Some of them can be used separately, while the most advanced systems integrate the many components to create a seamless omnichannel solution.

In a queue management system, examples of software include:

  • Booking an appointment online
  • Smartphone-based virtual queue
  • Apps are available for staff to serve customers.
  • Notices to Customers and Employees
  • Real-time operational monitoring
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Statistics and analysis abound.
  • In a queue management system, here are some examples of hardware:
  • a self-service kiosk
  • Ticket printers
  • Internet signage
  • Visual and acoustic effects of a media player

The benefits of using a queue management system

A queue management system allows you to efficiently manage consumers throughout their contact with your business, ensuring that their journey is as pleasant and painless as possible. It also helps you understand how your customers and staff interact, giving you the insights you need to improve both the customer experience and the efficiency of your operations. Here are some of the benefits of using a queue management system:

Making appointments improves access to services

You can predict the expected number of customers by allowing consumers to book appointments. You can read more about the benefits of appointment systems in the article Appointment Scheduling Solution:What, How and Why.

Improve time management to reduce actual wait times

The queue management system can help you understand how to make the entire customer journey more efficient.

With alerts and messages, you can reduce consumer uncertainty

Customers can receive appointment reminders, advice on how to prepare for their appointment, and even self-check-in links via text or email using a queue management system. 'waiting. It is possible to communicate information such as the number of counters available, services provided, current waiting periods and transaction times via messaging, such as digital display.

In the waiting room, use multimedia options to keep customers engaged

By combining multimedia displays with a queue management system, you can entertain waiting customers while keeping them informed, reducing their perceived wait time.

With a mobile ticket, consumers can wait wherever they want

With your queue management system, consumers can receive a mobile ticket instead of a physical ticket. This means the customer can wait wherever they want and make the most of their time, reducing the risk of crowded lobbies while improving the customer's waiting experience.

Increase worker mobility and enable workforce planning

The queue management system can help managers plan their workforce by collecting real-time data. It helps managers achieve a balanced and regulated wait time, as well as distribute staff where they are needed most.

Assign each instance the appropriate level of expertise

Instead of putting all customers on the same line, a queue management system allows companies to divide them into separate lines.

Increase the level of personalization in service delivery

A Queue Management System (QMS) offers many options for better customization.

Identify and eliminate bottlenecks

You can get a complete picture of your current service performance by collecting data throughout the customer experience, such as service times and wait times.


In conclusion, it can be concluded that as technology has been so advanced now that it has made human life easy by managing everything how queue management helps people to pass their turn smoothly with n' any hassle and self-service kiosk contributes to the convenience of self-service for customers.