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The importance of management control software

Today, any company, and even freelancers, uses technology to their advantage. For this reason, there are already a multitude of programs, including the best problem management software system , which make daily tasks easier. Among them, we find, for example, invoicing and accounting programs, and the most used today:administrative management control software.

What is management control software?

Also known by its acronym, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), these are programs that integrate in a single tool different fundamental functions within the business chain. Each of them is responsible for carrying out certain types of operations:Administration, distribution, accounting or human resources. Their greatest advantage is to allow a global vision of the project or the company and its situation in real time. In addition, they allow the automation of certain processes.

The importance of using management software in a business

These types of tools offer several advantages that today make it almost essential to have one in our daily administrative management. They are:

We will avoid duplicates

It is relatively easy, in a company that does not have ERP, to see how the lack of communication between departments leads to the duplication of data, reports or customers. With one of these management software, they will decrease drastically.

Improving interdepartmental communication

As we explained in the previous point, each department within the company no longer works tightly, but everyone can see what the others are doing, promoting internal communication.

Process Control

This section includes the control of a product from the moment we start working with the raw material, we manufacture it, it goes to the point of sale, it is distributed and it reaches the customer. We can track full traceability and improve control of our product or service.

Customer management

If your ERP integrates a CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, it will take care of your relationships with your customers. Your interactions with them will be collected in a single database, including marketing and sales actions, as well as customer service. You will have all your data in one neat database.

Decision making

By having a global vision of the complete project available in a single tool, it facilitates decision-making since we manage all the variables.

Human Resources Management

Using management software, such as that provided by Groupe Harrington International , you can also measure the effectiveness of work teams, as well as their real evolution. In this way, good personnel management can be done, including an appropriate and fair incentive program.

Process Automation

There are several processes that can be automated using ERPs. From sending commercial emails to generating delivery notes or invoices, etc. This saves administrative time, which can be used for other more valuable tasks.


The management control software not only has different levels of access, but also allows you to run backup copies, with a periodicity that you can establish yourself in advance, forgetting the problem of the loss of data in case of system failure.

Adaptation to your business

You decide what type of ERP you need. You can have a module just for finance, or for customer management, and even improve it in the long run. They adapt completely to your needs.

Reduced costs and improved ROI.

Thanks to all the previous points, by using management control software we will be able to improve our performance, better management of time and processes, and all this will lead us to reduce the total cost of our product or service. In addition, in the long term, we will achieve that the return on investment (or ROI) increases, since even our marketing and sales campaigns will be more effective.