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How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

Do you want to add specific posts to your WordPress navigation menu? Menus in WordPress are fully customizable, and you can add custom links, pages, posts, categories, and more. In this article, we will show you how to easily add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

When and why add specific posts to the navigation menu?

Navigation menus allow you to create a navigation structure for your website. This helps users quickly find the most important sections of your website.

WordPress makes it very easy to create and add navigation menus to your website. By default, it shows sections to easily add pages, categories, custom links, and more.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

Typically, website owners add pages to their navigation menus, for example a blog page, a pricing page, or a contact form page.

Some websites add categories to the navigation menus, allowing users to quickly jump to different topics on your site.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

However, sometimes you may need to add an individual post to your navigation menu. This could be your most popular post or something you'd like your users to find quickly.

With that said, let's see how to easily add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu.

Add Specific Posts to WordPress Navigation Menu

The first thing you should do is go to Appearance »Menus page in the WordPress admin area and select a menu to edit. You can also create a new menu and use it as your navigation menu.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

After selecting the menu, you will see tabs for Pages, Posts, Custom Links, and Categories. You can click each tab to expand it.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

If you can't see the Messages tab there, then you need to add it by clicking the Screen Options button in the upper right corner of the screen.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

Once the Send The box appears, you need to expand it to select the specific posts you want to add to your navigation menu and click Add to menu button.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

After adding the specific posts to the navigation menu, you can drag and drop menu items to adjust their display order.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

You can also customize the label to change the post title to a smaller title. Be sure to save it and visit your website to see your WordPress navigation menu with specific posts in action.

How to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu

The navigation menus can be further customized to add search bars, social media icons, login/logout links for your blog, post type archive, and more. You can also style your navigation menus to change their colors and appearance.

We hope this article helped you learn how to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu. You can also view our expert pick of the best WordPress navigation mastering tutorials to easily customize and manage your blog navigation.

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