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How to get Dislike counter on YouTube?

Youtube stripped the Dislike in an effort to protect its creators from harassment and reduce aversion attacks. It is believed; its creators have often been unfairly targeted by efforts to increase dislikes. While this is true, the dislike count is a great help in determining the quality of the video i.e. whether it is worth recommending or not. Well, a simple trick can help you get the I don't like meter back on YouTube.

How to retrieve Dislike counter on YouTube?

It's still possible to retrieve the Dislike count from YouTube, but there's an addendum to the deal – You can see the exact dislike count, along with other metrics, but the dislike count for a video won't. publicly shared. So, depending on your preferences, you can enable or disable the Dislike counter on YouTube.

  1. Download and install the Return YouTube Dislike extension for your browser.
  2. Run the extension.
  3. The extension, when active, changes the YouTube site to where it displays a dislike count.
  4. Just hover over the like/dislike section to keep count.
  5. If you don't like it, disable or remove the extension.

While you can't publicly share the Dislike count, it's still a step in the right direction as creators can figure out how their content is performing and even how to improve it.

The YouTube Dislike comeback extension brings back the ability to see dislikes on YouTube videos. The good part is that it is compatible with Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Brave.

Visit this page to download the extension for browsers like Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Opera and others.

Add the extension to your browser and activate it. The extension will automatically restore the YouTube Dislike count to your video watching experience.

How to get Dislike counter on YouTube?

Return YouTube Dislike collects the video ID of the video you're watching and retrieves the dislike (and other fields like views, likes, etc.) using the API. If this is the first time the video has been fetched by the API, the extension will use the YouTube API to get the data. It will then store the collected data in the database for caching (cached for about 2-3 days) and archival purposes and send it back to you.

Please note that this is an ALPHA version of the plugin, so it may run slowly and you may encounter bugs frequently. Also, the videos you don't like are cached and therefore not updated very frequently. It only updates once every 2-3 days.

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Why was YouTube's dislike button removed?

In its findings, video-sharing site YouTube found that many smaller creators, as well as those just getting started, were often unfairly targeted by efforts to increase dislikes. So, to reduce the number of such unfortunate cases, YouTube has removed the Dislike counter.

Can YouTube see who dislikes?

Likes and likes on YouTube are anonymous. So, there is no such method to find who disliked your video. However, if you are a Youtuber, you can determine the ratings (i.e. the number of likes/dislikes).