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Deploy technology development beyond IT professionals

You can recall times when your team needs a specialized software application that cannot be acquired from the local office supply store. Therefore, the situation necessitated the outsourcing of programmers from the IT department.

ContentsOpen Source SoftwareCloud API Low Code Platform

Well not now, the time has passed to the scenario where almost anyone can create software.

In retrospect, IT Development is now within the reach of almost every department in your business as it was once the domain of highly trained specialists. A variety of technological advancements — including cloud computing, open source software, API economy, and low-code platform development — enables software development requests with less fees , less time and less specialized training . As a result, development spans from IT to enterprises, from developers to so-called ‘non-traditional developers’, from business units to start-ups which may now be overweight.

Software production is becoming more and more widespread.

By 2024 , 80% of technology products and services will be built on non-technology experts, Gartner said. A new group of customers outside of the conventional IT business is taking a larger share of the total IT market.

Companies are taking advantage of these new opportunities and allowing employees to create applications themselves. to develop the applications in their own hands. The ability to react faster and more agilely for companies that embrace this new paradigm and manage risk sensibly. Meanwhile, monolithic enterprise software vendors face a huge challenge. In a world where consumers can design their own apps, how does another app play a role?

Gartner further estimated its revenue at $30 billion in 2023 be produced by products and services that did not even exist before the pandemic.

Technologies are converging to make software development easier, faster and cheaper

According to research conducted by Delloit, many technologies are converging to rewrite the predefined standards of software development for enterprises.

Besides the importance of well-funded start-ups, technology leaders such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft offer a variety of products and services that partner companies to dramatically increase their developer productivity and to offer "non-traditional" developers other functions and business segments, while opening the development process beyond IT.

Statistica researched Low-code development platform global sales (2018-2025)

Meanwhile, entrepreneurs have dramatically increased their technical power to gain personnel on huge companies by strategically pooling third-party resources instead of developing everything from scratch.

CEOs see digital business as a team sport, not just the exclusive domain of IT, Rajesh Kandaswamy Gartner's distinguished vice president of research, said.

High digital information, Artificial Intelligence, and low-code development tools are among the many elements that contribute to the democratization of technology. With the advancement of these technologies, we will move towards new trends in IT offers.

  • Open source software
  • API economy,
  • Cloud Computing
  • Low-code platforms

Open source software

Companies are increasingly using open source software to reduce application costs and time. Open source software is provided in the form of source code that can be inspected, modified and improved by any organization. Open source software organizations can reduce expense compared to commercial solutions and in-house build time. You can also benefit from the creativity and rapid improvement of open source communities. In fact, open source software has become a popular practice for most categories of business applications over the past few years with open source alternatives to proprietary software.

More than half of the organizations surveyed by Gartner, as part of its IT strategy, had adopted open source solutions by 2011, and about a third of the code used in 2012 was open source.

65% of companies currently use it to accelerate application development, according to a widely recognized survey. Another positive outlook for investors is the expansion of venture capital investments in open source start-ups, reaching $7 billion in 2015 alone.


Companies are accelerating their use of application programming interfaces (APIs)—that is, code that provides a standard way for two pieces of software to communicate with each other, allowing one application to take advantage of another that is already written and tested.

Companies are using APIs in their own development as faster, better, and cheaper alternatives. For example, Uber uses APIs for typing on Google Maps, checker for background checks, Braintree for payment as well as Twilio messages. In the use of APIs, companies are becoming more systematic:according to CB Insights, venture capital investments in start-ups were solely focused on developing and managing APIs or as part of a large company. The numbers have tripled over the previous three years for 1.3 billion dollars in 2016.

Forrester predicts that, in the United States alone, enterprises will spend $660 million on API management tools and services in 2020, up from $140 million in 2014. About 67% of enterprises use open standards APIs.


Cloud service companies are continually improving their offerings and increasing their platform's capabilities. They "move the stack" to add services such as database administration, authentication and access management, and machine learning. The "Platform as a Service" (PaaS) offered by enterprises makes it possible to build and deploy applications cheaper and faster.

Adoption Grows to $4.6 Billion in 2016 in the global PaaS market, posting a 21% growth rate . Companies are considering Paas. A typical company plans to allocate 45% of their cloud budget to software as a service, 30% to infrastructure as a service, and 19% to PaaS.

Low-code platform

Companies use low-code platforms increasingly want to build and deploy apps without putting a strain on their already stressed IT teams. Based on the model-driven development methodology, low-code platforms evolve. Develop functional applications,

users interact with graphical models and customize pre-built application components. This allows companies to build complex applications without needing to be advanced developers.

Small teams can produce software faster with model-driven development. Analysts expect 55% CAGR over the next five years to reach a market size of over $15 billion by 2020 for the low-code platform industry.

Talent leaders must therefore expand what “techfluen t” implies. Future employees will not only be skilled consumers of technology, they will also increasingly be shapers and developers. This indicates that companies should plan to build their own development operations and build capabilities in non-IT groups once they have provided the resources and training to participate in their application development. These developments are not limited to IT, they affect both operations and strategy. At a time when digital transformation has become a strategic goal for many organizations, understanding the whole picture of software development can make the difference between a leader and a laggard.