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Why should you consider offshore software development?

Software developers are a valuable resource in the modern workplace. It's important for companies to find a perfect balance between skills and the cost of these resources.

In this article, we will explore what offshore software development means, as well as an overview of the most popular locations for offshore software development.

What is Offshore Software Development?

An offshore development team is a team of developers who work remotely on software development projects, usually from different countries. The idea behind outsourcing software development is to save on the cost of hiring talented developers locally. It also ensures that the software development process can be done in an agile manner with frequent updates and iterations.

Offshore software development is not only about cost savings, but also about improving product quality through faster iteration cycles, better communication between customers and offshore teams, increased productivity, etc. .

There are some challenges that need to be addressed before the outsourcing of your software development process can begin. These include cultural barriers, language barriers, time differences, etc. These issues must be resolved before the offshoring process can begin.

Having an experienced partner like SHORE Teams advise you certainly helps.

The offshore model has been used by many organizations around the world to grow from small and medium-sized businesses to large technology companies. Think Google, Uber, Facebook – if they do, why not you?

Benefits of Offshore Software Development

Offshore software development has many advantages. One of them is that it allows developers to work on larger projects, with higher workloads and complexity than they would otherwise.

be able to do it if they were in-house. Another advantage is that offshore software development costs are generally cheaper than their domestic counterparts. This means that more projects can be completed within the budgetary constraints that are often present for small businesses.

The offshore design process also allows for more budgeting and scheduling flexibility, which can be beneficial for business owners and developers who have more control over their own schedules.

If you aim to continually improve your service as you scale, keep in mind that you don't want to turn away customers because you don't have the capacity to accommodate them.

If you're getting close to that point, offshoring might be the best strategy to keep your business growing.

Popular relocation sites

Of course, the “off” from offshore might not apply as much if some of the countries we name aren’t too far from yours. It would be a convenient solution in this case. Luckily, our SHORE team experts do both!

Currently, some of the most popular places to outsource your software development include:

  1. India
  2. Poland
  3. Philippines
  4. Ukraine
  5. Belarus
  6. Barcelona

All the countries listed above offer small and large companies the advantage of

lower costs, higher software quality, no communication barriers and a huge talent pool. Where your business chooses to outsource its processes will depend on factors such as your time zone and how similar your outsourcing partner's should be. Maybe you prefer to have a lot of overlapping hours, for optimal collaboration between teams. Or maybe you want your offshore team to continue where your in-house team left off and work efficiently around the clock.

Cultural and language barriers will also be something to consider, surely. But the countries named above have proven to be ideal in exactly these areas.

Each of these countries also has a fairly large pool of available talent and burgeoning technologies. scenes. It may be time to research in detail how outsourcing software development to these countries would benefit your business.