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5 ways to protect your technology

Every day 30,000 websites are hacked every day. And 64% of companies say they have suffered at least one cyberattack.

Contents1. Have up-to-date anti-virus software2. Use strong passwords3. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)4. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks5. Work with a computer security companyAlways protect your technology

Successful cyberattacks can be devastating, especially if you own a business. For many small businesses, they end up shutting down within a year of an attack.

How can you prevent this from happening? By being proactive!

Here are 5 ways to protect your technology.

1. Have up-to-date anti-virus software

One of the best and easiest ways to protect against cyberattacks is to have robust antivirus software, along with an active firewall. The first will detect all malicious files and the second will block unwanted traffic on your network.

You also need to keep these things up to date. Updates and patches are released because developers have found vulnerabilities and fix them. Be sure to install them as soon as possible so hackers don't reach these vulnerabilities before they can remove them.

2. Use strong passwords

Cybercriminals will use so-called brute force attacks to try to guess your passwords. So make it harder for them by not using dictionary words for your passwords.

Instead, use a generator that will give you a string of upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers and symbols. And be sure to use different passwords for each account so that if hackers manage to guess 1 password, they only have access to 1 account instead of many.

3. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA adds an extra layer of security to your passwords. Not only do you need to enter your password, but you will also need to provide additional information before you can access your account. This includes codes sent by SMS or email.

Since the cybercriminal is unlikely to have your phone, this may stop them dead if they managed to get your password.

4. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks

Public wifi networks are easy to access as they are usually not password protected. While this might be handy for you, it's also handy for hackers.

If you must use public wifi networks, avoid doing business there. The less information you enter on these networks, the better.

5. Work with a computer security company

You can't do much on your own, especially if you're unfamiliar with technology. These IT professionals can take care of your security needs and your own in-house IT team can focus on the tasks at hand.

IT security benefits include things like managed cloud services, employee data access management, data backup, network security, and 24-hour support. You can choose which services you need so you only pay for what you actually use.

Always protect your technology

When you protect your technology, it's not just a one-time thing. It is important that you are diligent and keep up with the ever-changing landscape so you are never caught off guard.

After all, all it takes is one successful trial for a hacker to bring down your business. So be sure to do everything in your power to prevent this from happening!

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