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ListingHive – Free Directory, Listings &Classifieds WordPress Theme

ListingHive is a light, clean and current WordPress topic. Naturally, this is just a moderated blog topic, however, if you combine it with the free HivePress module, you can without straying too far from any kind of catalog and publishing sites.

SummaryTruly VersatileEasy to UseExtensible by DesignEasily MonetizedDeveloper FriendlySecure by DefaultRegularly UpdatedDeveloper SupportedCommunity Supported

Really versatile

There are no explicit specialty properties or layouts in ListingHive, so you can use it to create a publishing site for any specialty. Whether it's a professional resource, dashboard, pitch, classifieds, or any publishing site, ListingHive is an amazing move for him!

You can make all credits accessible, filterable or sortable and group them together by publishing courses. By adding explicit classification traits, you can maintain a registry with different post types on a similar site.

Easy to use

ListingHive settings and alternatives Shuffle regularly in the WordPress dashboard, so if you have a core WordPress involvement, you'll have ListingHive ready for action in minutes. All the settings and alternatives are exceptionally natural, for example, assuming you need to change the number of posts displayed per page, just explore Settings> Posts> Display Segment to change that. Each not unimportant alternative has a tooltip, to help you get what it handles without consulting the documentation.


ListingHive accompanies many free extensions that allow you to easily extend the usefulness of the center in 1 click, directly from your WordPress dashboard. So you can try not to overload your site with superfluous settings and inclusions, and introduce exactly what you need. It currently exists without 7 expansions, and more are in development:

  • Authentication – Allow users to log in through third-party services, such as Facebook or Google.
  • Favorites – Allows users to maintain a list of favorite ads.
  • Messages – Allow users to respond to ads or send direct messages.
  • Geolocation – Allows users to search listings by location and view them on a map with
  • Google Maps integration.
  • Reviews – Allows users to rate and review ads, sort ads by rating, and view reviews
  • the average rating for each ad.
  • Claim Lists – Charge users for claiming their lists.
  • Paid Ads – Charge users for adding, showing, and renewing ads.
  • Crazy Customizable

ListingHive is coordinated with WordPress Customizer, this implies that you can undoubtedly modify the site logo and symbol, essential and auxiliary tones, title and body text styles. You can also set the custom header image for the whole site and each page independently.

With the free HivePress module, which performs indexing and highlight publishing for ListingHive, you can create an extraordinary publishing site using various boost settings and mixes.

Easily monetized

ListingHive is viable with WooCommerce module, the most famous web commerce module for WordPress, and WooCommerce is coordinated with many accessible remittance gates for any country, so you will want to adapt your web page quickly.

The main choice is to use HivePress extensions built into WooCommerce, such as case posts or paid posts. The Paid Posts Extension lets you charge customers for adding, highlighting, and restoring posts, while the Guaranteed Posts Boost lets you charge customers for validating their posts. /P>

Another choice is to use WooCommerce to manage a store alongside the publishing catalog, so you can use HivePress posts to sell your WooCommerce items.

Developer friendly

If you are familiar with CSS, changing ListingHive formats and styles will be a breeze for you. Since we followed the BEM system for organizing the HTML and naming the CSS classes, the overall design is deeply semantic and the CSS classes are intelligible.

There is an amazing trappings programming interface (WordPress activities and channels), which allows you to modify basically any part of your site. It is possible to modify any format, structure or menu using channels or trap custom activities on any occasion, such as creating, updating or deleting posts.

Additionally, there is an implicit REST programming interface, so in case you are unhappy with the ListingHive front-end, you can favor your front-end, or even a portable app, and use the HivePress module as your back-end. for your publication place.

Secure by default

We followed the best security rehearsals when creating ListingHive. Every customer input is cleaned and any yield is retrieved appropriately. Any activity, such as adding or deleting posts, actually reviews customer approval, etc.

Customers can process their registrations and posts exclusively through the front-end frameworks, so they won't realize you're using WordPress. There are additional review and announcement alternatives, so you can physically approve submitted posts and allow any customer to report inappropriate posts.

Additionally, there is inherent reCaptcha coordination, so you can protect all accessible structures from spam bots, without making code changes or introducing external extensions.

Regularly updated

We are continuously developing ListingHive, the HivePress module and its extensions, and an update is delivered to some extent once a month. Since this is a dynamic improvement phase, we pay attention to any criticism or idea, and your ideas can really be executed.

You can skip manual updates by uploading ZIP bundles, ListingHive and HivePress are registered on the authority WordPress store, so you'll get scheduled updates right in your WordPress dashboard.

Supported by developers

We offer free help that includes fixing bugs and responding to ListingHive inquiries, and we generally aim to respond within 24 hours or less. Support is provided by the developers of ListingHive, so issues are sorted out in the most ideal way, and you get the most reasonable ideas for ListingHive since the developers know their articles best.

Supported by the community

Not at all like some restrictive WordPress topics, ListingHive is licensed to use and licensed under the GPL. This implies that it is not dependent on a lone developer, and anyone can add to ListingHive improvement to keep it updated and supported. Thus, it will never be deserted if there is a working local area.

Currently, more than 900 sites trust ListingHive. So there is a community of no less than 900 site owners, ready to share ideas or help other site owners discover arrangements or solve problems regarding ListingHive. Join the ListingHive People Group to share your ideas and help us keep ListingHive wonderful!