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How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

Want to improve WordPress comment notification emails? Comments drive discussion and user engagement on many blogs. However, WordPress doesn't do a great job when it comes to notifying users about comment activity. In this article, we will show you how to better manage WordPress comment notification emails and increase user activity on your website.

How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

Why Improve WordPress Comment Notification Emails

Comments are a major activity on many WordPress websites, particularly news sites and blogs. More comments means a more engaged audience resulting in more page views and ultimately more revenue.

However, the default WordPress comment system is quite limited. Send comment notifications only to site administrators and article authors. Other than that, there is no default option for other users to be notified of new comments.

Wouldn't it be nice if users could receive comment notifications for posts they like? or when someone replies to your comment?

In this article, we will show you how you can extend the default WordPress comment notification emails for a more engaged user experience on your website.

The default comment notification options in WordPress

By default, WordPress does not have an option to send notifications to commenters. However, it does have an option to send you email notifications when a new comment is posted and when a comment is held for moderation.

How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

Both notifications are sent to site administrators. WordPress also sends an email notification to the post author about new comments.

If you don't want to receive comment notifications for moderation, you can simply uncheck the box here. This is particularly useful if you get a lot of comments on your website.

Let users know when their comment is approved

Users have no idea if you approved their comment or not. They see that their comment is awaiting moderation when they leave a comment. Many of these users never return to your website, and don't even know that you approved their comment or responded to it.

You can fix this problem by installing and activating the approved comment plugin. For more details, check out our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Comment Approved allows users to receive notifications when their comment is approved. Users can check the option when leaving a comment. You can also customize the email message sent to users once their comment is approved.

How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

For detailed instructions, see our article on how to notify users when their comment is approved in WordPress.

Allow users to subscribe to comments in WordPress

Your commenters have no way of knowing if you or others responded to their comment. Once they leave a comment, they'll have to manually visit your website again to see if anyone responded.

To resolve this, you need to install and activate the Subscribe to Reloaded Comments plugin. For more details, check out our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Allows users to subscribe to comments on any article with or without leaving comments. It also makes it easier for users to unsubscribe at any time.

How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

For detailed step-by-step instructions, check out our article on how to allow users to subscribe to comments in WordPress.

Allow users to subscribe only to their own WordPress comments

Many users may not want to be notified of all comments on an article. However, they may want to know if someone replied only to their own comments.

You can also add this feature using the same Subscribe to Reloaded Comments plugin. Simply visit the plugin settings page and click Yes next to the 'Advanced Subscription' option.

How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

For more details, see our article on how to notify users of responses to your own comments in WordPress.

Allow authors to subscribe to other authors' posts

If you run a multi-author blog, other authors may want to keep up with the discussions on your website. If you already have comment subscriptions enabled, each author can manually go in and subscribe to comments.

However, if you want certain users to receive all comment notifications, you can do so with cbnet's multi-author comment notification plugin. For more details, check out our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

After installing and activating the plugin, you need to visit Settings »Discussion page to configure plugin settings.

How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

Allows you to select the user roles that you want to be notified of new comments. You can also add email addresses of individual users that you want to notify.

This is particularly useful if you have registered users who are responsible for comment participation and moderation.

Creating custom comment notifications in WordPress

Do you want to create your own custom comment notifications in WordPress? Custom notifications can allow you to change the notification sent by WordPress and replace it with your own.

You will first need to install and activate the Better Notifications for WordPress plugin. For more details, check out our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit Notifications »Add New page to create your custom comment notifications.

How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

You can modify the new comment, comment awaiting moderation, and comment reply notifications. You can send notifications to any user role, individual users, or add email addresses manually.

It also allows you to fully customize the email sent by WordPress. You can use shortcodes within the email text to add custom labels.

For more details, check out our article on how to add better custom notifications in WordPress.

Improving deliverability of WordPress email notifications

All of the above tips will fail if your WordPress site is unable to send email notifications or those emails are marked as spam by email providers.

To fix WordPress email issues and improve email deliverability, you need to install and activate the SMP Mail WTP plugin. For more details, check out our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

After activation, visit Settings »WP Mail SMTP page to configure plugin settings.

How to Manage WordPress Comment Notification Emails

This plugin allows you to use SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send emails. SMTP is a much better and more reliable method than the default mail function used by WordPress.

It works with any email service that supports SMTP. Esto incluye su cuenta gratuita de Gmail, así como Gsuite o Google Apps for Work, Mailgun y Sendgrid.

Para obtener más información, consulte nuestro artículo sobre cómo usar el servidor SMTP para enviar correos electrónicos de WordPress.

Esperamos que este artículo le haya ayudado a aprender cómo administrar de manera eficiente las notificaciones de comentarios de WordPress para obtener más participación de los usuarios y páginas vistas. También puede consultar nuestra guía paso a paso para mejorar la velocidad y el rendimiento de WordPress para principiantes.

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