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How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

Do you want to automatically publish your WordPress posts to LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a professional social network and a very strong platform for driving traffic to your WordPress site. In this article, we will show you how to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

Method 1:Auto Publishing WordPress Posts to LinkedIn Using IFTTT

IFTTT is short for If This Then That. It is a web service that allows you to connect your other online accounts and make them work for you. For more information, check out our guide on how to automate WordPress and social media with IFTTT.

The first thing you need to do is sign up for an IFTTT account. Simply visit the IFTTT website and click sign up.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

After signing up, IFTTT will show you how it works. Simply follow the on-screen instructions until you reach the IFTTT dashboard.

It will look something like this:

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

A process created by IFTTT is called a recipe. Click on 'My Recipes' link at the top to create your first IFTTT recipe.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

This is the page where all your IFTTT recipes will be displayed. Simply click the 'Create a Recipe' button to continue.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

An IFTTT recipe consists of two parts. The first part is called 'This', which is a trigger that will start the IFTTT recipe. But before IFTTT can fire a trigger, it must tell you where to look for the trigger.

Click 'this' to get started.

IFTTT will now show you all the channels you can use for your activation. You need to type WordPress in the search box and then select it as your activation channel.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

IFTTT will ask you to connect your WordPress site. Simply click the Connect button to continue.

A popup will appear on your screen, where IFTTT will request your WordPress website information.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

You need to enter your WordPress site address, your WordPress username and password. Click the Connect button to continue.

IFTTT will now try to connect to your WordPress site. In case of success it will show you a success message. Click the Done button to close the popup, and then click the 'Continue to Next Step' button.

IFTTT will now prompt you to choose from available triggers. You can trigger an IFTTT trigger when a new post appears on your WordPress site or when a new post is published in a specific category or tag.

At this point we will use 'Any New Post' as our trigger. Simply click the 'Any New Post' box to continue.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

IFTTT will now ask you to confirm. Simply click the Create Trigger button to move forward.

The next step is to choose what action to take when this trigger fires. Click the 'that' link to define the action when a new post appears on your WordPress blog.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

You will first need to choose a channel where your action will take place. Find and select LinkedIn as your action channel.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

IFTTT will ask you to connect your LinkedIn account. Simply click the Connect button and a popup will appear, taking you to the LinkedIn website.

Enter your LinkedIn login details and then click the 'Ok, I'll allow it' button.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

IFTTT will show you a success message. Click the Done button to close the popup, and then click the Continue to the next step button.

Now you will choose the action. You can share an update on your LinkedIn profile, or you can share a link.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

Click share an update on your LinkedIn profile to continue.

IFTTT will ask you to choose the action fields. It will automatically display the post title and URL fields in the status box.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

Just click the create action button to finish your recipe.

IFTTT will now show you a summary of your recipe. You must click the create recipe button to make your recipe live.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

That's it, your IFTTT recipe is now live. It will automatically check your WordPress site for new posts and share them as a status update on your LinkedIn profile.

When sharing a post, LinkedIn will automatically use your post's featured image as a thumbnail.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

You can always see your recipe by visiting my recipe page. You can also edit, stop or pause a recipe at any time.

Method 2:Auto Publishing WordPress Posts to LinkedIn Using the Plugin

You can also automatically share your WordPress posts to your LinkedIn profile using a WordPress plugin.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the LinkedIn auto post plugin. For more details, check out our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item called 'LinkedIn Auto Publish' to your WordPress admin menu. Clicking on it will take you to the plugin settings page.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

The settings page will show you two URLs for your own site and a link to create a new LinkedIn app. For this plugin, you will need to create a LinkedIn app to get the client and secret API keys.

Simply visit the LinkedIn developer website and click the create app button.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

This will take you to the request form to create a new app. You must first provide the company name, the name of your request and the description.

You will also need to upload a logo for your app. You can use your blog logo or any other image for this purpose. The image must be square with the same width and height.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

Lastly, you need to provide your website address, business email, and a phone number. Check the terms and conditions box and then click the submit button.

LinkedIn will now create your app and take you to the app dashboard. You will find your Client ID and Client Secrets there.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

But you still need to add an authorized redirect URL in your app dashboard.

Scroll down a bit and you'll find the 'OAuth 2.0 Authorized Redirect URL' field. Copy and paste the second URL from the plugin settings page here and click the Add button.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

Don't forget to click the update button to store your app settings.

Now simply copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret keys from the app page into the plugin settings page. After that, click the Save button to save your plugin settings.

Your WordPress site is now ready to connect to your LinkedIn account. Click the 'Authorize' button at the top of your plugin settings page.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

This will take you to the LinkedIn website, where you'll be prompted to allow access to the app you created earlier.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

Enter your LinkedIn login credentials and click the Allow Access button. LinkedIn will now redirect to your WordPress plugin settings page, which will display a success message. The authorization button will now change to reauthorize.

That's it, the LinkedIn Auto Post plugin will now automatically share your WordPress posts to your LinkedIn profile.

You'll also find a new meta box below your post editor screen when editing a post. You can disable or change sharing settings for individual posts from this meta box.

How to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn

We hope this article helped you to automatically publish WordPress posts to LinkedIn. You may also want to check out our list of 10 LinkedIn WordPress Plugins to Win New Customers.

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