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Expert advice on how to properly store speakers and audio equipment

Looking for ways to ensure your electronic speakers are stored with care? Do you want to keep your audio equipment in top condition? If so, how you store them is of utmost importance.

Contents1. Consider your gear2. Establish a budget3. Prioritize a dry area4. Keep speakers/equipment elevated5. Regulate the temperatureStore the speakers with care

Once you understand how to store speakers properly, you will be able to protect their quality and performance. Different parts of audio equipment may need to be uniquely stored.

Whether you have a business that requires sound equipment or you're in a band, be sure to read this in-depth guide on how to store speakers and other sound equipment to extend their life. P>

1. Consider your gear

As we briefly touched on in the introduction, storing your audio equipment is about ensuring that you focus on the needs of different equipment.

Although you can store speakers one way, other equipment, such as a turntable, may need to be stored a specific way.

For this reason, it is important to take the time and assess the equipment you have. Maybe you have a laptop that you use as part of your DJ side gig. Maybe you have a turntable.

You might have a microphone, jacks, and cords for you and your bandmates when you go on stage. Whatever the case, it's important to give each of these things proper care and storage.

Make sure plugs and cords are stored in a dry place. Contrary to popular belief, they don't have to be packed and crammed into a tight little box. Constant flexing can cause them to wear out quickly.

Keep your microphone and turntable in a dry place on a soft surface. Many people prefer to buy a mic tray to hang them up (even when they're in storage) and then cover them with a blanket to make sure dust doesn't get on them.

2. Set a budget

We're all for what you got. You don't have to go out and spend a fortune to store your speakers properly?

That said, it's worth the slow start investing in cabinets and storage containers to store your speakers. This is especially true for those of you who use them for business.

Take the time to create a budget. Do some research online to see what storage methods exist and how much they cost.

This will hold you accountable while you shop. Rather than spending money on endless containers and crates, you'll have a conscious idea of ​​what you can afford.

Since you'll be transporting the PA equipment (and other gear), it's handy to keep them in storage containers with proper padding inside.

We recommend that you sort all your items by size. This will help you see how many containers you need in different sizes.

Once you've invested in padding the bottom of these containers, you can cut out slots to put items such as microphones, needles, digital equipment, laptops, hard drives, cameras and whatever. you might need for your show.

3. Prioritize a dry area

It is always important to keep your gear as dry as possible. Moisture leads to moisture, and moisture can destroy the inside and outside of your speakers, diminishing their quality.

We cannot stress this enough:there is no such thing as going too far to make sure your speakers stay dry.

First, find a room or closet that stays dry at all times. We strongly advise against storing them in a garage or storage unit, as it can be difficult to control humidity in these areas.

Next, make sure you have additional ways to keep your speaker cabinets and enclosures dry. You can get more information here about panel coolers and how they can keep your cases cool.

Not only will these coolers help keep your gear dry, they can also help prevent your property from overheating and collapsing during a performance.

4. Keep speakers/equipment elevated

One of the worst things you can do is keep your speakers and other audio gear on the floor. There are several reasons for this.

First, if there is a leak or a flood, the water will fill the ground. If your speakers are not elevated or held off the ground, water will damage them beyond repair.

Also, if you keep them on a concrete surface (like the garage), the cold winter ground temperature can damage the speaker materials. Always keep your speakers covered and elevated.

5. Regulate the temperature

Here's another reason why we strongly advise against garages and storage units, the temperature constantly fluctuates.

Ideally, you want to keep your speakers and electronics in a room that's around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A few ticks above is fine, but anything over 75 pushes it.

Be sure to keep them somewhere where you can control the temperature while they are safely stored.

You will also want to be aware of storing your speakers/containers in areas where sunlight will shine on them through windows. The sun's UV rays can quickly cause the temperature of your suitcases to rise.

Store the speakers with care

Now that you've seen the right way to store speakers safely to increase their performance, be sure to use this information effectively.

Start with the first step. Consider all the equipment you need to store safely, not just your speakers, then invest in appropriate containers for them.

Be sure to browse our website for more articles on electronic device storage, as well as many other helpful topics you'll enjoy.