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How important is technology in education? Benefits, challenges and impact on students

Technology has become an undeniable part of human life. An admirable wonder that has become part of everyday life. One of the big aspects affected by technology is education. Technology has become a need in every field, be it online courses, online courses or virtual labs for students.

SummaryThe benefits of involving technology in education are:Adjustable pace for studentsMore effective learning strategiesImproved teacher productivityBetter understanding Comfortable environment Future of education Classroom More Interesting Motivation Detailed explanationSchedule as neededSkills techniquesThe challenges of involving technology in education are – Connectivity issues Some still stick to the traditional model Not practical Practical knowledge lost Digital divide and digital literacy The impact of involving technology on students is the next:Boost ConfidenceEconomicsLearning Made EasyConcluding

Many people still prefer to use traditional methods of teaching and support for minimal use of technology in education; the possibilities that technology has introduced into education are endless. Technology offers a wide range of options for students and education professionals.

The Covid-19 pandemic has also highlighted the impact and importance of technology in education. By integrating the existing curriculum with technological supports, teachers could keep the educational process of students going.


An adjustable-pace for students

Each student interprets information at a different rate and in a different way, and technology provides the means for students to do so. With technology as a learning tool, students can create a comfortable learning environment by adjusting the learning process. It also allows students to access up-to-date information as many times as they want from anywhere in the world.

More-effective learning strategies

Technology can help create more effective learning strategies for students. By incorporating modern technological tools such as image visualization, teachers can provide students with greater insight into how an educational concept works. Teachers can examine better and more efficient learning procedures with artificial intelligence and develop creative and interactive learning strategies.

Improvement of teacher productivity

With technology management, teachers can dramatically improve their productivity. The data collection and management process is much simpler and easier to access. Teachers have less need to maintain physical teaching materials, making better use of their time.

Better understanding

A student can understand much better with the help of technology in the online teaching mode. Online education gives the ability to rewind audio and video. A student can review the course multiple times.

Comfortable environment

In physical classes, a student is often hesitant to ask questions because of the crowds in the class. He does not feel comfortable in such an environment. No such problem arises in online education. Therefore, technology-driven education is less intimidating. You can even get WebAssign Answers easily.

Future of education

In the technology-driven world, e-learning is seen as the future of education. To keep pace with the pace at which the world is changing, we cannot ignore online education.

Class More Interesting

The use of technology makes lessons more enjoyable. Many students are afraid of math. It is mostly attributed to boring lectures and the tedious nature of the topic. Technology can solve this problem. With the help of technology, math lessons can be made interesting.


Apart from teaching, the teacher of online platforms constantly motivates students to study. Your bad experience with math affects your motivation in the subject, because of which students generate this feeling that they will never understand math. Online math lessons help you find the lost cause. You can even master math.

Motivation in the subject can even lead you to build your career.

Detailed explanation

Technology helps students learn concepts in detail. When personal attention is given to the student, he can ask his doubts without any hesitation. In the physical model of education, students often show a reluctance to ask their doubts, which hinders their overall learning.

Schedule as-needed

Online courses are very flexible; they don't need a set schedule. You can ask the teacher to take a lesson according to your wishes. You can even cancel classes when you are not in a condition to take the class. There is no loss for the students.

Technical skills

Taking online courses also improves your technical skills. The use of electronic gadgets, computers, various software enriches your technical knowledge. You can use this knowledge in the future. There is no such scope in traditional learning. Therefore, teachers and students today prefer online courses.

The challenges-of-technology-involvement-in-education-are-as-

Online teaching methods cannot always be a boon to student life; sometimes they have challenges like,

Connectivity problems

Some students live in very remote areas where they do not have access to basic networks and facilities. This not only creates obstacles, but creates immense challenges for future life. Connectivity issues can also put them behind others in knowledge and technological advancements.

Some still stick to the traditional-model

Some so many students are not in favor of modern technological teaching methods. They are all still glued to the old pen-and-paper models, and they feel it more than online teaching methods – many complaints against such a technological revolution taking root every day.

Not practical

In the technological age, not everyone is used to it and does not understand it or learn it quickly. This creates a vast gap between a master and one who struggles with it.

Lost practical-knowledge

When everything is accompanied by illustrations and clips, everything becomes easy, but at the same time, you start to lose touch with hands-on learning.

Digital divide and digital literacy

The digital divide and digital literacy remain a significant challenge. In the countryside, digital literacy is very low. Many students do not own electronic gadgets. And if they do, they don't have the knowledge to operate these devices.

The impact of technology-involvement on students is as follows:

In conclusion, technological progress is good, economical and, above all, flexible. This not only meets everyone's needs, but allows them to learn more in a short time, resulting in a great dynamic personality.

Boost confidence

When someone learns something before their next, it makes a difference and adds confidence in their personality.


Advances in technology present a great opportunity for access. We can see how the average crowd has access to everything now.

Easy learning

Technology-driven education provides early and easy access to files. Students do not need to travel here and there to access files.

To conclude

Online education and technology have helped students in various ways. Students can now explore various learning platforms and take various courses that can help them learn just sitting at home. Moreover, they can learn How to get Chegg for free.