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What is Bluetooth 5.1 and how is it different?

There is always room for improvement when it comes to technology. Bluetooth is one of many technologies that need improvement. With the latest release, it looks like it's taking a step in the right direction. Bluetooth 5.1 is here, and while the improvements it brings aren't monumental, they will be helpful.

Bluetooth 5.1 has improvements you can be happy with, but it might take a while before you see it on the majority of devices out there. While you wait, you can imagine all the things you can do with the new features.

What is Bluetooth 5.1?

Bluetooth 5.1 is the latest version of Bluetooth technology that allows you to exchange data between devices within a short distance of each other. It's the next step in the technology you use to connect your headphones, speakers, and other devices.

Keep in mind that when you can get your hands on a phone with Bluetooth 5.1, it won't matter if all your devices aren't compatible with the latest Bluetooth version.

New orientation

What is Bluetooth 5.1 and how is it different?

With Bluetooth 5.1, even low-power devices benefit, as the latest Bluetooth version also comes with Periodic Advertisement Sync Transfer. This means that your smartphone can get your TV's ad schedule as SyncInfo and send it to your low-powered device which can't handle periodic ad sync.

Unlike Bluetooth 5.0, where devices had to use a particular data packet, Bluetooth 5.1 allows devices to choose channels randomly. This new feature is useful when you are in an area where many devices are announcing that they are ready to connect.


Bluetooth 5.1 might not be a big leap, but it comes with some needed improvements. Are you happy with the new changes? Share your opinion in the comments.