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Tech Support - Ways to make sure you're getting the most out of your tech support service!

So you have a problem. This may be the first time you encounter this problem, or it may happen too often! You can't figure out what's wrong, so you decide to pick up the phone and call tech support.

This is where things start to go downhill - maybe they can't help you after all!

So let's take a look at how to make sure you understand exactly what your tech support representative is telling you and get the most out of your Miami Tech Support !

  • You know you have a problem

The first step to getting the most out of your technical support service is to make sure that you have a problem and that your computer or device is the cause.

Make sure your device is plugged in properly. I know, this sounds like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many people call about their "broken" laptops that just ran out of battery!

Some other examples would be:

  • The computer does not turn on.
  • Computer freezes all the time.
  • The computer is taking too long to restart/shut down.
  • The computer is slow to start.
  • The computer has blue screen errors.
  • The computer is not connecting to the Internet.
  • The computer takes minutes or hours to load any web page/program, and you cannot work on anything while it is loading (like a game).

If none of these issues resemble yours, it might not be a software or hardware problem. For this, if you live in Miami and need to find a Computer Technician in Miami , call a Technical support company.

  • You know what the problem is

So now you know what the problem is, but how can you make sure your tech support rep knows what the problem is?

  • Be sure to describe the problem

If this happens all the time, they will appreciate a detailed description of how to reproduce the problem. A computer might crash every two hours when trying to open a particular web page, for example.

A reputable tech support company will not force you to reproduce the problem before them.

If it's taking too long, they may ask you to email a screenshot or a written description of what's going on, but make sure they say so before describing your problem!

A reputable company will never leave an expensive computer sitting in front of someone for hours on end as they return home for the night.

  • You know when the problem started

I often see one of these errors - call tech support and then complain that the problem has been going on forever. That's not what we want here!

Make sure you know when the problem started and, if necessary, how you solved it before. Many people will send a screenshot of their current error message and ask if it's something we see often.

It's not helpful - most tech support uses pre-written answers to common problems.

When they try to help you figure out the problem, tell them exactly when the problem started happening. You can even take a screenshot as proof if you want!

  • You know how to solve the problem

Now we're digging into the serious stuff here. If you know how to fix your problem on your own, that's great, but when you call a tech support company, now is not the time to try to fix the problem yourself.

Especially if it is a hardware issue, you may be doing more damage than good! It's best to tell them about your attempt and move on to the solution they recommend.

  • You know what to expect from a tech support company

You told them about your problem, but what will they do? This is the part where you get a real solution to your problem! Here are some things Tech Support can help you with:

They will ask you for information about your devices, like model numbers or serial numbers. They can use this information to look up your warranty, and sometimes they can even do more than tell you how to fix your problem!

They may ask if you tried specific steps to fix the problem. These are usually simple (like rebooting the device) or free (like scanning for viruses).

  • You know what information they need

You've never called before, so you don't know what they're going to ask you. Its good! Most computer repair companies have their own working formula, but a tech support agent is usually reasonably willing to explain their routine.

They might ask for your name and address so they can look up your warranty information. Just tell them what you know – maybe you no longer have the original box or you misplaced your receipt.

They will not judge! If you don't have warranty information, they may ask you to send the device in so they can take a look.


Getting the most out of your tech support service isn't difficult – it just takes a little preparation.

Make sure you know when and where the problem started, how to reproduce the problem, and what information to give a technical support agent.

Getting the most out of your tech support service isn't difficult – it just takes a little preparation.

Make sure you know when and where the problem started, how to reproduce the problem, and what information to give a technical support agent.

At Bleuwire, technical support is a favorite part of our job. We're happy to help tech newbies and tech-savvy users alike with their problems!