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5 ways Google Cloud protects your data around the clock

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, so does your data when you do business there. The security of your business, employee and customer data is paramount to the continued operation of your business. Using Google's cloud services to secure and store your data in one place while being able to access it from anywhere is an essential tool for your business. If the eerie threat of hacking has you shivering, fear not. Here are five ways Google Cloud keeps your online data locked down:

Contents1. 24 hour security. Encryption at all levels3. Authentication for all4. Partner you can rely on5. Data under lock and key

1. 24 hour security

Migrating to Office 365 monitoring is like having your own data bodyguard. Google operations teams patrol the field, so to speak, even when you sleep. They monitor, detect and respond to internal and external threats 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This constant monitoring provides additional protection against denial of service attacks, which have grown exponentially in recent years, interrupting the flow of business and shattering customer trust.

2. Encryption at all levels

When you store your data in Google Cloud, you can have peace of mind knowing that your data is protected at all times, in any condition. Encryption at rest is mandatory for data stored in the cloud, which means that no action is required from the user to have their data encrypted. In addition to encryption of stored data, data in transit is also protected using multiple layers of encryption. This ensures that only authorized users and Google Cloud partners with encryption keys can access it.

3. Authentication for all

The worst type of information to hack is credentials, hackers often target this type of information through scams called phishing. That's why all sensitive data in the cloud is protected by strong security measures such as phishing-resistant security keys. Phishing is one of the most common attacks against online businesses, in fact, 75% of organizations worldwide reported experiencing phishing attacks in 2020. The FBI reported phishing as the biggest cybercrime committed in 2020. Cloud users can rest easy knowing that access to their data is limited to authenticated users and gcp professional services.

4. Partner you can count on

Understanding the cloud and its security services, and learning how to navigate your business data management can seem like a daunting task. By partnering with a Google cloud platform consulting service you can trust, you'll be surfing the cloud like a pro in no time. When selecting a Google partner, keeping trust in mind is paramount. Selecting a partner you trust to protect your data is a top priority, as is Google Cloud pricing transparency and paying only for the services you need. Look for a partner that offers many compliance programs such as DoD, HIPAA and more.

5. Data under lock and key

Your company's offsite backup data is a safety net in the event of a disaster. From natural disasters to thieves, no business is immune to accidents. However, it is difficult for fire to burn digital files or for thieves to take away information that is not there. In addition to digital encryption of data stored in the cloud, Google data centers are protected by physical security measures such as biometrics and high-resolution cameras.

Taking the leap to get your business data online takes a lot of trust. Make sure faith isn't misplaced by learning about the security options Google Cloud offers you. Learning how to use the cloud to store and protect your data can be overwhelming, but getting a knowledgeable Google partner makes the cloud a powerful tool for your business.