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What is a Full Stack Developer:Roles, Responsibilities, Skills, Salary

You may be familiar with terms such as "Required Full-Stack Developers" or "Hire a Full-Stack Developer", and many more like these. The role of a full-stack developer is a highly sought-after role in today's digital environment, where we have a web application for every routine task.

SummaryWho is a Full-Stack Developer?Full-Stack Developer:Job DescriptionFull-Stack Developer:ResponsibilitiesSkills RequiredFrameworks and Front End LanguagesBackground TechnologiesDatabase Management SystemsVersion Control SystemWeb Hosting PlatformsGeneral SkillsSalary for a Full-Stack DeveloperConclusion

According to Wikipedia, "a web application is application software that runs on a web server, unlike computer-based software programs that run locally on the device's operating system (OS)." P>

Web applications are evolving into mobile web applications where they can be accessed on mobile devices. So mobile web apps include all the ones you know including your favorite e-commerce apps, clock, calendar, phone, and all the icons on your smartphone are mobile web apps.

With the huge increase in the number of applications used for everything, organizations in all industries are looking for web developers, or more specifically, full-stack developers. Full-stack developers are in high demand due to their expertise in building end-to-end web applications.

A recent report by Market Research Future (MRFR) indicates that the global enterprise software market is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 8%, reaching a value of $634 billion by 2023. A growth of 30% was observed. for full-stack developer jobs in 2020. Additionally, according to NASSCOM, 1 million new jobs were created for full-stack developers last year.

That is why more and more developers are interested in full-stack developer courses in Pune to upgrade their career in web development. Pune, the city that is home to IT professionals, has a large number of jobs for full-stack developers, which is why these courses are trending.

Who is a Full-Stack developer?

The term full-stack refers to expertise in the front-end and back-end aspects of development. Full-stack development is all about creating a modern, cutting-edge, end-to-end application and its front-end and back-end.

An example: you create a document on Google Docs. What you can see is the front-end. This includes the tab/tabs at the top, the URL on the second line, the title of your document, and the buttons for tools to use in a document. When you press a button (e.g. File), what happens next is back-end functionality. So what happens behind the scenes of whatever you tap or click is the back-end.

Now, to integrate the front-end and the back-end, we need a database. A database stores everything you can do on a web application.

Thus, a full-stack developer is one who can design the front-end, develop the back-end features, and integrate the two application components. As a full-stack developer, you have to build an application from start to finish ensuring its reliability, efficiency, and other important factors. To accomplish this task, you need to master some front-end frameworks as well as back-end languages.

Full Stack Developer:Job Description

An ad from a reputable IT company looking for a full-stack developer goes like this:

“As a full-stack developer, you will work with application and technical architects to translate a business need into a robust and integrated technology solution. You will work in a fast-paced environment solving unique and challenging software problems and developing innovative solutions.’

This description clearly outlines the responsibilities of a full-stack developer. Let's take a look at some of the main responsibilities you'll need to take on.

Full Stack Developer:Responsibilities

  • Front-end development:using HTML/CSS and JavaScript frameworks and libraries to create interactive and engaging interfaces.
  • Designing the back-end of an application:You must develop a robust infrastructure to retrieve data from servers.
  • Building servers and databases:you need to build systems that are resilient to failures and need to run endlessly and smoothly.
  • API Development:You are responsible for building APIs based on the application architecture. These APIs are designed to perform crucial tasks such as retrieving data from servers or databases.
  • Cross-platform compatibility check:By checking cross-platform compatibility, you ensure that your application runs on all operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and macOS.
  • Meet technical and customer requirements:You need to build responsive applications in a way that meets and keeps customers busy.
  • Work with web designers to add web design features.

Skills required

Now that you are familiar with the responsibilities of a full-stack developer, you need to know the skills required to become one. Let's explore the skills required.

Frameworks and front-end languages

  • HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) - To govern the appearance of text/images on screen.

  • CSS (cascading style sheets) - it allows you to modify and style various web components for size, fonts, spacing, etc. to make your content more engaging.
  • JavaScript - a powerful scripting language used to improve user interaction with the application.

You need to master all these front-end technologies and frameworks.

Background Technologies

  • Python is one of the most commonly used languages ​​for developing the back-end. Expertise in this language can be beneficial for you.
  • Java was specifically designed to run on the server side.
  • JavaScript and related frameworks such as ExpressJS and NodeJS. It is essential to acquire knowledge in this context.
  • C# is the most used language when you need to do back-end programming on Windows.
  • Other languages ​​may include Perl, PHP and Ruby.


You must write code to perform relational mapping to retrieve data from the database. A basic understanding of some popular databases such as SQL SERVER, MongoDB, MySQL, MongoDB and Oracle Database is essential.


Knowledge of popular version control systems such as Git, GitHub, and Subversion is crucial as it helps manage project files and track user action history.

Web hosting platforms

These platforms allow you to deploy your product/service on a cloud platform so that it can be accessed from the World Wide Web (WWW). Knowledge of popular cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, etc. may be beneficial.

General skills

Apart from the technical skills, you should also have some of the essential soft skills such as:

  • Analytical Skills
  • Time management skills
  • Creativity
  • Communication Skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Strategic planning
  • Critical spirit
  • Adaptability

Salary of a Full-Stack developer

The average annual salary of a Full-Stack Developer in the United States is around USD 75,000, while in India it is around INR 6,000,000 and can go up to 14,000,000, according to PayScale.


Top Full-Stack developer recruiters in India are Accenture, IBM, Report Garden, Nuclei, Vassar Labs, GALE Partners, Oracle, Wipro, Infosys, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Tapzo, Posist Technologies and many more.

When you have such big names looking for full-stack developers, you'd like to be a part of them too. The most practical way to get started on this path is through online training.

Sign up for an online training course to get self-paced learning and hassle-free preparation.