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5 Most Promising Programming Languages ​​to Learn in 2022

According to rough estimates by the research agency TIOBE, there are more than 255 different programming languages ​​in the world. The choice is quite wide, isn't it? Some of these languages ​​are easy to learn, while others can be problematic. And if suddenly future programmers face some difficulties, they can always google “do my programming homework” and find services that can help them. This option is great no matter what language you're learning.

SummaryWhat is a programming language?HTML and CSSPHPRfastKotlinPythonConclusion

In this article, we will focus on the most popular programming languages ​​that will be trending in 2022.

Programming languages ​​are constantly evolving in today's world. If you are new to the field, there are many options available to you and it is very difficult to determine where to start. What is the best programming language to learn? Is it easy to learn a programming language?

Here is a list of some programming languages ​​that are quite easy to learn.

What is a programming language?

Simply put, it is a computer language that includes a set of rules that provide different types of output. They use it in computer programming to run different algorithms. They create programming languages ​​every year; even more are in development, but only a few of them find their practical application in the market or are used by developers.


These are the first two languages ​​you will become familiar with if you want to learn to program. They are quite easy to learn, and yet knowledge of these languages ​​is an absolute must for anyone building websites. HTML is responsible for the main structure of a webpage, while CSS is responsible for its visual layout. They are the basis of any website.

You've probably written in HTML or CSS or seen code written in these languages ​​before. Many emails, blogs, and advertisements use these languages, and knowing them can be extremely helpful in many aspects of a business.

While you can't get a developer job knowing only these two languages, every programmer should be able to write in these languages. Many web designers can work knowing only these two languages, although it is a limited skill set. HTML and CSS are important for a web developer job.

The most important features of HTML:

  • Allows you to add images, video and audio.
  • Hypertext can be added to the text.
  • Geolocation service support.
  • Cross-platform support.

The most important features of CSS:

  • Extended selectors.
  • Content visibility property.
  • Contain-intrinsic-size property.
  • Eliminated layout issues.


PHP is widely recognized as the best programming language for the server side of sites. PHP is used to build 80% of websites on the internet. Today, many developers find it important to learn PHP along with other programming languages.

As the need to create interactive websites continues to grow, so does the demand for PHP code developers. If you are looking to build your career as a web developer or designer, learning PHP should be the first step.

PHP has a healthy set of automation tools available for testing and practical use, and of course the community is always on your side.

The most important features of PHP:

  • Error handling tool.
  • Powerful Zend engine.
  • Platform independence.
  • New Spaceship and Null Coalescing Operators.


First introduced in 2014, the Swift programming language has become one of the fastest growing languages, making it much easier to write software code. This language is used to develop software for the Apple ecosystem, such as macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, etc.

The sole objective of the creators of the Swift language was to provide programmers with an easy and innovative platform to write code for the Apple operating system. The growing number of Apple users requires more and more iOS applications, which presents huge opportunities for those who know the Swift language.

Swift is a simple programming language close to natural English, making it one of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn. If you plan to develop programs or apps for Apple devices, Swift is a great programming language to start your development career.

The most important features of the Swift language:

  • Built-in robust error handling.
  • Functional programming models (map and filter).
  • Structures supporting extensions, methods, and protocols.


The rapid rise in popularity of the Kotlin language is quite easy to explain. The number of Android device users is increasing every year and the need for such a large user base for quality apps must be met. For example, there were 129.1 million registered Android users in the United States, in 2020.


Released in 1991, it remains popular. The language is relatively easy to read and they teach it in basic computer classes. As a general-purpose language, it can be used for many different tasks, which contributes to its popularity. In fact, many Python users use it to solve various computer problems.


From time to time, new programming languages ​​and other tools appear in the world that make life easier for developers and make the process of creating software much more efficient. And to always stay on top of everything, you have to watch the trends and embrace them closely. Plus, you'll always be up to date with the latest technology, and the software you create will be the most up-to-date.