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Troubleshooting msvcp140.dll issues

As ​​is well known at this point, computer systems are complicated beasts, performing thousands of calculations at any given second and managing a multitude of tasks, often impossible to keep track of at any title whatsoever by the human mind. But machines are fallible, computers are often liable to break down and stop working. This disruption to their normal operation can be caused by several factors, ranging from small bugs in the code to a lack of prerequisite files, such as a case of missing msvcp140.dll, or outright hardware failure.

ContentsWhy this error can occur?(i) Infinite permutations of systems(ii) VirusHow to resolve the error?

Why this error may occur?

(i) Infinite permutations of systems

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems in the world, macOS is far behind. It is used by businesses, governments and individuals. As a result, Windows has a difficult task ahead of it. Imagine if one were to cater to the needs of millions, if not billions of people, who would have a ton of unique use cases. They would have their own vision and requirements for their systems, and they would demand that Windows perform all of its tasks effortlessly. As with use cases, the actual physical systems on which applications must run also number in the millions. Windows should control use cases from a very low-end computer used in a clerk's office to an enthusiast-level system running at high-end rates. What these two diametrically opposed customer segments demand and expect from their system is very different. However, they still need the same base. Programmer or not, cashier or not, everyone must use their mouse, select the application they want to use, type what they need, etc. Thus, WIndows must accommodate divergent use at the enthusiast level while providing a common core ecosystem that can be easily understood and used by everyone. Therefore, user experience and interface design become extremely essential.

As ​​a result, Windows doesn't come with all sorts of possible prerequisite apps, frameworks, and files, if it installed everything possible, no hard drive at all world wouldn't be able to store all that data, and that would increase costs. . As a result, they need to keep Windows installations as lean as possible. As a result, some files are not included and the user is left with the responsibility whether they need them or not. As a result, cases occur with msvcp140.dll missing.

(ii) Virus

Sometimes viruses tend to substitute DLL files as a way to hide and find their way inside the system. Therefore, DLLs are prime vectors for viruses and the first files to break in case something goes wrong. An error like this could be a sign that something is wrong.

How to solve the error?

Fortunately, the error is simple, just get the msvcp140.dll file in this particular scenario where the user may be confused at the moment, and place it in the appropriate folder on their system. There are mainly two cases. The first location of the required file is the folder where the actual executable of the application that requires these files is located. But this is not enough in some cases, therefore, it is prudent to also place these files in the Windows root system directory, which works as a backup in most cases and solves the problem quickly.