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Open Back or Closed Back Headphones - Which Should You Buy?

When shopping for headphones, what do you look for first? Maybe you're considering the behind-the-ear versus the in-ear canal, or you're keeping a close eye on sound quality specs for the best sound. There's one spec that isn't immediately obvious as to what it means:open-back headphones versus closed-back headphones. These might sound a bit silly, but they both have their pros and cons and should be considered when buying a pair of headphones.

SummaryOpen-back or closed-back headphonesClosed-backOpen backWhich should I choose?Headphones highlight

Open-back vs. closed-back headphones

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Open Back or Closed Back Headphones - Which Should You Buy?

While closed-back headphones have a solid shell, you can expect open-back headphones:headphones with the back more open to the air. While closed earbuds make the music seem like it's coming from inside your head, opening up the open earbuds to the outside world makes the music sound more natural. In addition, since the air circulates better around your ears, it prevents them from heating up and sweating during use.

Open-back headphones don't block out outside noise as much as closed-back headphones, making them perfect for people who don't want to shut the world out. You might like to listen to music while you work, but you still want to hear when people call you. Unfortunately, this comes at a cost, as open-back headphones leak very easily so other people can hear what you're listening to. This makes it the worst choice when you want to reduce noise for your fellow riders!

Which should I choose?

Open Back or Closed Back Headphones - Which Should You Buy?

When it comes to open-back or closed-back headphones, which should you choose?

If you want to listen to music in public or want to block out sounds around you while you listen, closed-back headphones are ideal. Closed backs will ensure outside sounds are muffled, while preventing those around you from getting angry at you.

However, if you want a more natural sound for your music, or want to be able to hear what's going on around you, open ear headphones are best. These will keep your ears open to the outside world, including keeping them from sweating too much.

Highlighting earphones

It's not obvious what open or closed headphones are; even when you know it, the benefits and differences of each can be confusing. Now you know the differences between an open face helmet and a closed face helmet, and which one would suit you the most.

Do you prefer or prefer an open or closed helmet? Let us know below.