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How to fix error Are you sure you want to do this? In WordPress

From time to time, you may encounter a WordPress error, such as an error establishing a connection to the database or an out of memory error. Those errors are somewhat useful because they tell you exactly what the problem is. Then there are the useless errors like "Are you sure you want to do this". The reason this error provides no information is simply because there are many factors that can lead to this problem. In this article, we'll show you how to investigate and fix the "Are you sure you want to do this?" In WordPress.

How to fix error Are you sure you want to do this? In WordPress

Why and when "Are you sure you want to do this?" I get an error?

This error usually occurs when WordPress looks for Nonce in an admin URL and the verification fails. Nonce are unique keys or numbers that can be generated by a WordPress theme, plugin, or core file for verification purposes. Nonces adds a layer of security to protect WordPress URLs, forms, and ajax calls from abuse.

'Are you sure you want to do this?' the error usually appears when the Nonce check fails and the most likely candidates for causing this error are plugins and themes that do not use the nonce correctly.

Investigating the "Are you sure you want to do this?" error

Generally, this error is caused by a plugin or theme that is installed on your site. To investigate which plugin or theme is causing the problem, you will need to disable all of your plugins.

Investigating plugins

Since a deactivated plugin can still cause the problem, we need to make sure that no plugins are installed on WordPress without removing them. To do so, you need to connect to your site using an FTP client and rename plugins folder in /wp-content/ directory to plugins.deactivated .

After that, you need to go back to the plugins page in your WordPress admin area. You will see a notification for all your plugins that are now disabled.

How to fix error Are you sure you want to do this? In WordPress

Now that all your plugins are actually uninstalled and disabled, you can try to reproduce the error. If the error does not appear again, it means that one of your website's plugins was causing the problem. To find out which plugin was causing the problem, go back to your FTP client and rename plugins.deactivated folder back to plugins .

Then visit the plugins page in your WordPress admin area and activate the plugins one by one and try to reproduce the error after activating each plugin until you find the one causing the problem.

Yes, this sounds like a daunting task, but it's the only way for beginners.

Researching topics

If the plugins did not cause this problem, then it could be a theme causing the problem. You can investigate the issue causing this issue by repeating the same procedure as you did for add-ons. You must first connect to your website using an FTP client and download your currently active theme to your computer as a backup. Once you've backed up your theme, delete it from your web server.

Now visit Appearance »Themes page in the WordPress admin area and you will see a notification that 'The active theme is broken. Returning to the default theme '. WordPress will now start using the default theme like Twenty Thirteen for your website.

Now try to reproduce the error, if you can't reproduce it, it means your theme was causing "Are you sure you want to do this?" mistake.

Unable to find source of error

Make sure you have done a thorough test to reproduce this error after deactivating and reactivating your plugins and themes. Once you are sure that no plugin or theme on your site is causing the problem. Then there are some additional steps you can take.

First make sure you have a complete backup of your website. Next, remove all WordPress files from your server except wp-contenido Directory and all its contents. Then download a fresh copy of WordPress, extract it to your computer, and upload the files inside the wordpress directory to your web server.

Once you've uploaded all the files, create a new wp-config.php file in the root directory. You can refer to your old wp-config.php file from the backup if you need help. Add all sections except 'Key Authentication and Unique Salts'. Delete all lines starting with definir in this section.

 / ** # @ + * Autentificación de llaves y sales únicas. * * ¡Cambia estos a diferentes frases únicas! * Puede generarlos utilizando el @link servicio de clave secreta de * Puede cambiarlos en cualquier momento para invalidar todos los galletas. Esto obligará a todos los usuarios a tener que iniciar sesión de nuevo. * * @since 2.6.0 * / define ('AUTH_KEY', "+ 7nTNbYF, X + xpd -_ 'I [nFmA6ZLw ~; EW7g0.s5EaZCAJ = j] ./ 5z ^ X ~'); define ('AUTH_SALT', 'e * l: hUsddFIxm1E7y-n #_ 3,4) J] S sM6-MI3aB # Qk1Xx'pwt6? ** i'); 

Save and upload your wp-config.php file. Now check your website again and try to reproduce the error.

We hope this article helped you to fix "Are you sure you want to do this?" In WordPress.

We understand that troubleshooting issues like this can be frustrating at times. Try to stay calm and if you need any help you can always send us your questions by leaving a comment below.