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Confluence vs SharePoint:Which is better?

Did you know Sharepoint and Confluence are software platforms created to share and manage documents and tasks for developers? But they were created by two respected software companies.

Confluence is the brainchild of Atlassian and Sharepoint is the baby of Microsoft. Who wins in the Confluence race against Sharepoint?

Let's read on to see what the pros and cons of the two software are and whether you should choose Confluence or Sharepoint.

Collaboration software for developers

Both Confluence and Sharepoint are called collaboration software, which means developers use them to collaborate on documents and tasks through the cloud.

The great thing about this is that developers can now edit documents in real time, even if they are located on opposite ends of the earth, as long as they have an internet or digital connection.

Both software have advantages and disadvantages. We'll take a look.

Advantages and disadvantages of Confluence vs Sharepoint

One of the major disadvantages of Confluence is that it does not offer a desktop version, which can be considered a major flaw of the software.

It also offers fewer features than Sharepoint. But it makes Confluence easier to learn. It also has a very nice UI/UX.

Two other downsides to note about Confluence are that it doesn't have built-in chat functionality whereas Sharepoint does, and it doesn't allow intranet sites to be published as public sites like Sharepoint does. .

The advantage of Confluence is that it integrates with JIRA and HipChat, making it easy to share documents and discuss changes while working with Agile Methodology.

Sharepoint offers plenty of customization features, but it's also more complicated and takes longer to learn and navigate than Confluence. It has a Microsoft UI/UX interface, which makes it quite intuitive to learn.

This does not mean that you will not have problems with Sharepoint Connection.

Sharepoint also allows for robust data storage and has many additional features. But Atlassian seems to be working on adding more features, so stay tuned for that.

Confluence pricing is something a lot of users complain about. It goes from $10 per month for 10-14 users to $50 per month for 15-25 users. That's a pretty big leap and could be unsustainable for small business owners.

Confluence vs Sharepoint – Which is the best collaboration software for you?

As you can see from the above points, choosing Confluence vs Sharepoint is a rather difficult task. If you were using pricing only, you'd probably end up with Sharepoint, because it doesn't have that price hike.

But if you go for the Agile methodology and UI/UX, then maybe Confluence would be your choice.

Either way, remember that if you have a software company, even a small one, your developers will find it much easier to collaborate on updates if they have collaboration software at their fingertips. /P>

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