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Top best apps for students

Student life is filled with stress, and the main reason is their massive workload combined with a lack of time. If you want to succeed as a student, you need to be productive, which means avoiding distractions and staying focused. Unfortunately, developing effective time management skills can take a long time.

Contents1. Tide2. EasyBib3. Evernote4. Circle of Six5. Sleep cycle6. Forest7. BenchPrep8. Movement9. GoConqr10. Todoist11. Drink wisely

When you're in college, you need to plan and organize your studies properly, not only to meet tight deadlines, but also to be able to have time for things other than classes and homework. Effective time management will also help you avoid burnout and stress.

Although it can be difficult to organize your workflow in the best possible way, there are plenty of software for students that can help you. We've selected some of the most popular programs that can help you plan, focus, take notes, and other important things so you can improve your academic performance. Plus, many of these apps are free.

1. Tide

This is a great productivity app that will help you stay focused on your studies. This app has a nice interface and lets you create custom sessions. To make your study process more enjoyable, you can choose music or white noise. You can also study while listening to the sounds of nature. In addition to productivity features, this solution also offers motivation, meditation and sleep features.

2. EasyBib

Every student knows that writing a bibliography is an extremely time-consuming process that also requires you to pay attention to every detail to ensure that all your references are properly formatted in the style of citation needed. With this application you will be able to write bibliographies faster than ever by simply scanning the barcodes on the covers. EasyBib supports different citation styles, including APA, Chicago, and MLA.

3. Evernote

It's a great note-taking program that won't let you forget anything important. You can not only save text notes and sync them between your devices, but also scan printed documents, add to-do lists, recognize text from images, and save web pages. Evernote also integrates with mobile voice assistants such as Google Assistant and Siri.

4. Circle of Six

University life is not only about studying and doing homework, but also about partying and having a good time with your friends. Since college means the start of adult life for many students, it's important to stay safe. Circle of Six will help you keep in touch with your friends. If someone gets lost after a wild party, they can call for help with the press of a single button so their friends can see their location on their devices.

5. Sleep cycle

If you sleep often, you are not alone. University life can be very exhausting, so many students often wake up too late. Luckily, you can use Sleep Cycle to make mornings less stressful. This app can analyze your unique sleep cycle and choose the best time to wake you up. It monitors your sounds and analyzes them with an AI algorithm. It can also help you fall asleep more easily and assess the quality of your sleep.

6. Forest

Another productivity and focus app, Forest is quite different from other solutions in this niche. This application is based on gamification and will help you stay focused on your studies, without opening social networks or other applications that serve as sources of distraction. Each time you start a study session, you plant a virtual seed that slowly grows into a beautiful tree. When you open another app on your phone, the tree dies. The best thing about Forest is that this company helps non-profit organizations plant trees in remote areas of our planet.

7. BenchPrep

Preparing for exams always takes a lot of time and effort. If you need to prepare for the GMAT, GRE, MCAT, or LSAT, you can make the preparation process more efficient and effective. BenchPrep is a bit like social media because it was created to connect students so they can work on quizzes and review their learning materials together. This app will also help you take notes and track your progress.

8. Movement

This is another distraction blocking app that will be appreciated by students who spend a lot of time on their laptops, both in class and at home. Motion blocks distracting websites in your browser, including popular social media platforms and YouTube. However, you can quickly check your messages if you really need to – the app limits your social media time to one minute.

9. GoConqr

This is a powerful application that will help you quickly refresh your knowledge and prepare for exams or writing assignments. With this app you can create flashcards, review charts, quizzes and mind maps on different topics. You can share your documents and collaborate with other students around the world. Thanks to GoConqr, you can easily revise complex subjects and get the necessary help from students who are learning the same subjects.

10. Todoist

This is an amazing time management solution that won't let you forget anything important. You can plan your activities and tasks, sort them by topics, highlight them with different colors, and set notifications and reminders. You can also sort tasks by priority and schedule recurring tasks. One of the best features of this app is language recognition which allows you to quickly set reminders and add tasks to your schedule just by speaking to your phone.

11. Drink wisely

Let's face it:college and irresponsible drinking often go hand in hand, and this app can help you make sure you won't have a problem with alcohol, while socializing with your peers. WiseDrinking collects information about how much alcohol you have drunk and offers suggestions on how much alcohol is safe for you. All suggestions are personalized and based on your height, weight and gender. This app will also tell you when it's time to take a taxi and show maps of public transport.

Here are the 11 best apps that will make different aspects of your college life easier. Some apps can improve your productivity, while others will help you prepare for exams like or maintain a healthy sleep cycle. There are also banking apps like that provide financial aid in the form of student loans and credit card for international students. If you want to minimize stress and improve your academic performance, there are many software programs that will help you.