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Laptops have become as necessary as phones for people today because they can perform many functions that a phone cannot. Laptops can multitask at the next level with the advanced components inside them, making them necessary for more complex tasks. People buy laptops for work or personal use, but the majority of the population uses laptops for gaming, video production or editing, coding, etc. People will find laptops online divided into these categories, mentioning laptops as "gaming laptops", "developer laptops", "laptops for photo editing", or "laptops for video editing etc. Buying laptops online for the first time can be confusing because the product page will include lots of specs or specs like refresh rate, graphics card, RAM, etc. These specifications are essential and determine the performance of a laptop and the user experience. Laptop usage differs from user to user, and they should look for specs that most relate to their usage patterns.


There are several specifications when it comes to laptops, and while some are standard necessities, users can also opt for more advanced versions if needed. Laptops are long-term commitments and users should make sure they meet all of their requirements before choosing a model.

The screen

The screen is the central element of the user experience of a system. People interact with the laptop based on the information they get on the laptop screen. There are several specifications for a laptop screen, but the main characteristic is the resolution. Resolution determines visual quality, and the latest laptops come with 4k or 8k resolutions depending on budget.

The next characteristic of the screen is the refresh rate and color accuracy. These are essential features for gamers and editors, but they also ensure smoother visuals, so regular users should pay attention to them as well. The refresh rate determines the smoothness of the transitions from one frame to another. Color accuracy refers to how accurately the laptop can reproduce the original colors in a video or photo.

Another essential element is screen size. The most common screen size is 15.6 inches, which is sufficient for most tasks. Larger sizes like 17″ are also available, and people can choose the one that fits their budget. Larger screens require more power to run, so people should opt for laptops with enough battery resources.

The Ram

RAM stores most program files on the system and is one of the determinants of laptop speed. RAMs store essential files of a system that are essential for its functioning. Larger RAMs ensure smoother operation, and laptops with full RAMs tend to crash, freeze, and malfunction. Laptops today come with 8GB or more of RAM, and depending on usage and budget, users can opt for higher RAMs. Laptops also come with expandable RAMs which means the user can purchase additional RAM later and expand their internal storage.


Laptop graphics are dependent on the graphics card. This card is a prime necessity for gamers and content creators as it controls their media experience. But other users should also research the graphics specs as they affect other system components. Most light users can work with an integrated graphics card, but getting a separate card guarantees better graphics. Graphics include more than game and media visuals, user experiences such as website effects, graphic effects on other programs, etc.

While there are several other aspects to look for before buying a laptop, these features are familiar even to a non-tech-savvy population. These terms may confuse some but are essential nonetheless. People should read laptop specifications carefully before making their decision.