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Top 3 Benefits of Product Demo Videos for Your Upcoming Products

Launching your products can sometimes be difficult. You can't expect people to buy your products immediately after they launch. While you may have already tested your new products and received feedback from reputable reviewers, these cannot fully guarantee the success of your new products when they launch. Especially with the endless products launched by competitors, your product launch success rate seems smaller.

Contents#1. Better understand your products#2. Get Valuable Customer Feedback #3. It's a profitable strategyConclusion

For this case, the answer is to become "stand out". This means you need to make sure that your new product can be easily recognized and remembered by your customers. You can achieve this by applying unique, innovative and effective marketing strategies. For this case, you can try video marketing.

Video marketing is one of the famous marketing strategies used by many businesses. This policy itself has some types that you can apply depending on your business needs. However, choosing the right type of video marketing will help you get maximum results from your promotion strategy. If you want to promote your new products, you can make product demo videos.

Product demo videos are short videos that show product features and how it works to help customers understand the products. There are ways, including making great copy of your Product Description and everything you can do to make your product demo videos effective. By doing this, you will gain useful benefits to give your business an edge over its competitors. These benefits are:

#1. Better understand your products

As explained in the previous paragraph, launching new products is not an easy task since few customers will buy your new products immediately. There are a few reasons for this. One of their reasons is that many customers are still confused or have no idea about new products. Their confusion makes them hesitate to make purchases.

If you want to get a lot of profit on your product launch day, you need to find a way to provide all the information your customers need about your new product. About 72% of customers prefer to learn about a product by watching a video. Based on this fact, product demo videos are the right tools to make your customers understand your new products. In your videos, you must make your information simple, fast, but still understandable by your customers.

You can make your information more understandable by including engaging stories in videos. Make your stories more engaging by using attractive animation, design or colors to keep their focus while watching videos. Include your customers' problems in your videos and show some of your product's features to solve their problems. Don't forget to show them how to use your new products as well. You can also show uniqueness, benefits, or other attractive aspects that set your products apart from other products.

By showing the uniqueness of your new products, you have already increased their enthusiasm to buy your new products as soon as they hit the market. Remember to research first, to make sure your videos cover the information your customer needs.

#2. Obtain valuable customer feedback

On the day of your product launch, there is no guarantee that your new products are 100% perfect. Even if you have already received good reviews from reviewers, you should still conduct a review to ensure that your new products can meet your customers' needs.

Your customers are your priority when you want to launch your new products. Make sure to involve them in every process. One of the processes is to get their feedback through your product demo videos. Their feedback is valuable and detrimental to improving the quality of your new product.

After sharing your videos on some platforms, you can use this time to see their comments from viewers, comments or subscribers. It all depends on the platform you choose to share your videos. Then you can choose reviews that you find useful for your new products and use them to further improve your product.

Time after sharing your demo videos is precious, so make sure you don't neglect their feedback. Being a quick responder is vital. Remember that your client has time that you must respect. By responding to your customers' feedback promptly, you can impress them with your business performance and it also has a positive effect on your business reputation.

#3. It's a profitable strategy

One thing that 37% of marketers misunderstand about video marketing is that the strategy is too expensive to implement. Video marketing pays off, especially for small businesses. If you want to include product demo videos in your video marketing strategy, you can still create the best quality videos on a low budget. There are many affordable ways to apply to make videos.

For example, if your budget does not allow you to buy or rent the best cameras, you can always record your videos with a high quality camera on your phone. Then you can edit it with free editing tools available on the Internet.

You can also apply the same animation style like white animation, 2D or 3D animation or graphic animations using some free apps. Don't forget to add supporting elements like beautiful colors or backgrounds to make your videos more eye-catching.

By applying these affordable tips, you always have the chance to create the best quality videos that are very useful for your product launch day. Not only that, but with eye-catching videos, you can increase your customers' interest in your new products when they hit the market.


Product demo videos are effective tools to promote your product before its launch. By doing this effectively, you will get these three benefits which will also pay off for your business in the future. You should no longer hesitate to start applying product demo videos for your upcoming products.

Making videos can sometimes be a stressful experience. Remember to be creative, focused, and relevant to your client's needs. However, you should always pay attention to the process of creating videos to avoid errors in the videos.

Biography of the author

André Oentoro is the founder of Pain Beyond, an award-winning explainer video company. It helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get a positive ROI with explainer videos (in that order).


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