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Best language helper app for mobile phones

In the learning process, users always keep their eyes open for new applications, methods and features to learn other languages. There is no easier way to learn the latest in learning different languages ​​than language helper apps. Some apps are quite familiar but need to explore new gems.

  • Memrise

This is the exact spot for fun vocabulary practice. There are several courses available for language learning created by the various community users for dedicated language learners. The standardized courses are based on the frequency of famous vocabulary, textbook lists and also the expected collection of vocabulary, for example Japanese empty words or words from the Japanese translation of the Philosopher's Stone and Harry Potter. The fun of using this language to help applications lies in two things

  1. Memes
  2. Gamification

The learning method of this app depends on creating fun associations with the learning words. Classes are designed in a fun way with memes that help members memorize vocabulary. All memes are produced by the community and anyone can include their own. Reviewing, adding, and creating new memes is a way to memorize that helps you last in the hierarchy of Memrise users. Learners can compete with each other and will rank you based on your scores. Getting scores is quite motivating. Memrise's ability lies in two things:

  1. Mnemonic
  2. Spaced repetition

Spaced Repetition is an algorithm to count when and how users should review each word and the app will alert you via notifications and reminders. At first it may be difficult to start but later it becomes quick to make a perfect combination of words.

  • LinguaLift

It is the perfect language for serious learners who want to seek a comprehensive language with proper guidance from a tutor. Lingualift provides additional support for professional teachers and that makes the difference. Tutors are always available to answer any questions. It helps with grammar, suggests additional resources, and will assign certain tasks as homework.

After signing up, don't forget to "Use Tutors", they are always available to guide you. One of the great features of lingualift is that it gives users access to real tutors who rely on them to help others. With clear explanation of grammar, vocabulary, and scripting tools, this app itself is wonderful for intermediates and beginners not available at all in any other language learning app program. Undoubtedly, only professionals can overcome all kinds of mistakes. After subscribing to the secret book of this language learning app, users can customize their study plan.

There is a questionnaire guiding the tutors about your learning goals, routine schedule and study habits, etc. There is an algorithm tracking program which is used to review topics specifically gathered according to your needs.

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