Family Best Time >> Electronics

How to completely dry your wet electronics

It's summer. You're out with your friends, enjoying the pool, the beach, or just a backyard garden, and someone decides it would be a good idea to push you in the pool or dunk you until the skin with the hose garden. It's all fun and fun until someone dunks a phone then you're just ticked off.

SummaryTurn it off completelyRemove the battery, if possibleGet rid of all waterCheck your warranty information

If the above has happened to you – or even worse, if your electronic device of choice has taken a brief dip in a nearby toilet – this article will show the proper procedure for quickly and completely drying your sodden electronics.


Note :The following instructions are a "your mileage may vary" operation. Depending on how long your device has been submerged or how saturated your device is, this procedure may or may not work for you. However, using this procedure will likely be your best bet to get your device back into the world of the living and (hopefully) fully functional.

In order to dry your wet device, be it a phone, tablet, radio, MP3 player, computer, etc., follow the steps below.

How to completely dry your wet electronics

Check your warranty information

Chances are your electronics are water damaged. The best you can do now is check your warranty and pray that it covers water damage. If the device does not work after all of the above, it may need to be repaired by a professional, and your warranty may or may not cover the cost of the repair.

How to completely dry your wet electronics

Water damage is a risk when trying to mix summer fun with electronics. Be aware of where you are and try not to carry your devices around the pool or other large bodies of water. When you encounter these situations, acting quickly and following the steps above will likely give you the best chance of backing up your device.