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What is “right to repair” legislation? [MTE Explains]

A new trend is coming, mainly in the United States, where device manufacturers will have to comply with certain regulations in order to make it easier for their customers to obtain repairs for the objects they own. This package of laws, which was signed into law in California on March 8, 2018, has several implications for customers but also for the market as a whole, which warrants significant discussion regarding all of these effects.

What is the right to repair?

What is “right to repair” legislation? [MTE Explains]

"Right to Repair" legislation eliminates the exclusivity that some manufacturers have imposed over the years, making their customers dependent on them to repair the devices they (presumably) own.

This would allow smaller repair centers to have the access they need to help their customers more efficiently, reducing overall repair prices for out-of-warranty devices.

We can expect to see more small "Mom &Pop" service centers appear, offering repairs that rival OEMs at a lower price.

On top of all this, we get the most important thing to complete the trio:the more adventurous people can simply tinker with their devices at home, finding new ways to solve problems.

All this translates into a dynamic that could indeed be innovative at some point. As average Joes learn how their appliances work, they might find new ways to solve problems that have plagued manufacturers for years. This is the kind of thing that happened in the heyday of the desktop PC, when OEMs began to implement hobbyist-crafted innovations in their own homes.

Do you think there are any caveats or possible negative effects to right to repair legislation? Tell us what you think in the comments!