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3 tips for a digital detox:JOMO instead of FOMO

Check your emails in bed at night, reply to your messages every minute, scroll through feeds to see the latest posts and stories:the fear of missing out is called FOMO ("Fear Of Missing Out") and is often enhanced through social networks. Due to the constant availability on digital channels, it is difficult for your own thoughts to calm down. Why not treat your head to a digital detox? With the following tips you can get away from it all – and in the best case even achieve your personal JOMO (“Joy Of Missing Out”) – the joy of missing. Here we give three useful tips about how a digital detox works and how we can take advantage of JOMO – the pleasure of intentionally missing things.

1. Create awareness

How much time do we actually spend on our smartphone every day? To get an idea of ​​this, it helps to keep track of screen time. Some smartphones display screen time on their own, others require an app. This makes it possible to set fixed mobile times and even completely block apps from a certain time. Tracking makes the time visible in front of the screen and creates awareness.

2. Airplane mode on, push notifications off

15 new messages in Messenger, three missed calls, five events in the News app:our smartphone is constantly reminding us to use it. The solution to a flood of messages:just turn off push notifications and turn on airplane mode more often. The temptation to look at the mobile phone is diminishing and reaching for the smartphone is less common. For laptops:After work, press the Off button and don't just lock the screen. This will prevent you from reading emails after work.

3. Set up smartphone-free rooms

It is often difficult to find space to relax. To do this, it helps to keep the smartphone out of certain parts of the house. The bedroom is ideal for this – because, as is well known, a good night's sleep is worth its weight in gold. Not looking at the display before going to bed paves the way for a relaxed mind and sweet dreams.