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Therefore! Safe internet for the whole family

In 2017 there is no escaping it:the whole family is on the internet and it is not always possible to get an equal grip on all users within the family. It is extremely important to make safe internet a topic for discussion within the family, which is why, in collaboration with KPN internet at home, we give a number of tips that help the whole family use the internet safely.

Make appointments
Toddlers watch videos on YouTube, students do their homework with the tablet next to them and teenagers can't get away from their mobile phone. Nevertheless, it is good to make agreements about internet use. How long can your child use the internet per day? And also:how is your internet use and the use of your partner in the presence of the children?

Talk about the dangers of the internet
Children can use the internet for useful purposes, but it is also useful to discuss the dangers of the internet. Children might seek out the dark corners of the world wide web out of curiosity, but trouble can also come from unexpected quarters. Therefore, agree with your children that they may only visit websites that they have agreed with mom and dad and (for slightly older children) that they may only talk to people they know on the internet.

Open your mind
Although your children deserve privacy, openness about internet use within the family is extremely important. Also show your children what you do on the computer and how you use the internet connection. Ask your children this too, show them who they WhatsApp with and what it is about, which videos they watch on YouTube. Make sure that your supervision is not a control, but an interest in what the children are doing at that moment.

Ensure a secure connection
Various internet providers ensure a secure connection. It may be possible to set up a child-friendly zone with restrictions. These restrictions differ per household, it just depends on where you think the limit lies in terms of what your child is allowed to see on the internet and what not. With regard to (illegal) downloading, it is also advisable to make agreements about this and to ensure good security software (such as KPN Safe).

Don't make it too hard
Forbid your children nothing. You can prohibit your children from chatting via Facebook or from blocking the Instagram website on the laptop or on your smartphone. Yet this is not the basis for building a solid relationship and openness about internet use. Let your child discover the internet, but make it a topic for discussion. Be wise, act as a parent, be interested, and occasionally check history with the child. There are also plenty of series and documentaries about the dangers of the internet, perhaps useful to watch with (older) children.

What are you doing to keep internet within the family safe for all members? Research has shown that making nudity and sex on the internet a topic of discussion is still happening with too few children. What would you do to discuss this?