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How technology makes investing more accessible

Technologies offer us many opportunities in terms of the use of our finances. The trend has been for new forms of investment to become more popular, current investments to become more accessible, and efficiency to improve, contributing to greater consumer participation.

SummaryReal Estate Brokerage PlatformsCrowdfunding Research Participation Transaction Speeds and Fees Accessibility Possible Scenarios

It is no surprise that the financial market is the most technologically advanced and the efficiency that these advancements have brought to those involved in market activities is irreplaceable. It is also true that the financial market has always been occupied by professional investors who had special knowledge and experience in the financial sector and used it as an additional source of income. However, the industry is already open to the average investor or those who do not have special knowledge in this field, which has become possible thanks to the many different branches that have been created within the financial market itself. , for example, crypto, where anyone who wants to invest in cryptocurrencies can open an account in seconds.

There are many different ways in which technologies have influenced investment opportunities and the article will review some of the most important ones.

Brokerage platforms

The introduction of internet brokerage platforms has dramatically changed the game of stock and bond investing. While this is bad news for stockbrokers in the financial services industry, it has made an otherwise difficult and confusing way to invest accessible. Modern platforms allow ordinary individuals to trade with just a click of a button and some even offer low-cost or even no-fee trading in a well-known Robinhood tactic known as the "free trade" concept.

In some cases, potential investors do not even need to connect with brokerage firms, as it happens in the case of opening a forex trading account, everything can be done manually, from creating an electronic purse to carry out transactions. It is more like executing the transfer from one bank account to another, all with the help of special software and technological developments.

Real Estate

Real estate investing has also become more accessible with advances in technology. Previously, property investors were limited to investing in their immediate area, but thanks to virtual tours and other forms of immersive technology, it is now possible to examine and view properties from afar.

The investor can simply discover a property management service provider who can help the investor manage the property remotely with the abundance of accessible internet solutions. Some of you might think that the Internet created this opportunity long before when it became possible to upload photos of the estate, however, it does not offer the same investor experience as virtual broadcasting.


Depending on how much attention one can get from the international audience, online interactions also open the door to new options. Crowdfunding platforms are accessible to entrepreneurs and innovators who wish to raise the necessary funds to make their business or invention a reality.

There has been a push for new crowd-based fundraising and investing platforms as a result of crowdfunding. The concept of contributing funds to crowdlending, known as P2P lending, is becoming increasingly popular. And while tightly controlled, equity crowdfunding now offers more options than ever.

Research participation

We must also take into account the enormous range of technological resources available to the common investor. Smart investments don't mean it's only good or bad, the most important aspect is balancing the strength of each investment they make and understanding the outcomes of potential decisions.

People can now read and understand in-depth reviews of stocks, bonds, ETFs, as well as publish their own research, thanks to multiple authorities. The rise of social media and other platforms has of course democratized the debate.

Speeds and transaction fees

New technologies are also making stocks, bonds, currencies and other financial transactions considerably faster and cheaper for ordinary people. Average transaction fees have dropped dramatically in recent years, and they will continue to drop as brokerage platforms become more competitive. Consumers benefit from a new system capable of damaging much larger volumes with a fraction of the resources.


There are several important reasons why accessibility should be considered.

Wealth and Retirement – ​​ people can create money and aim for a financially secure retirement by investing smartly and regularly. This could reduce the strain on Social Security and Medicare, as well as ensure that more people have access to the resources they need to live comfortably.

Profitability – financial institutions are likely to earn more when more people use their platforms, even if costs go down. More money is in circulation, which stimulates economic growth and those who invest in these financial organizations also benefit.

Opportunities – for the typical customer, there are also more options. Crowdfunding is an option for entrepreneurs and innovators. Equity loans could be a lifeline for people in need.

Possible scenarios

Technologies are the most likely to increase financial commitment even further. For starters, we should expect development to follow a similar pattern to what we've seen in the past. Trading speed will improve, transaction fees will decrease, and new platforms will appear regularly to provide clients with new investment options. Trading platforms and blockchain-based currencies are just two examples of how decentralization and crowd technology could change the financial industry.

It is more likely that we will also see increased integration and awareness, making investments accessible to those who would not otherwise participate. Investment platforms connected to popular social media platforms, or even traditional bank accounts, for example, could expose the concept of investing to a wider audience. In any event, the world of investing will almost certainly continue to evolve for the foreseeable future. Even our current knowledge and approach to investing could become unrecognizable in a decade or two.