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7 Essentials for Aligning IT Infrastructure with Business Goals

It's no secret that we, as a society, are so dependent on technology. Every individual needs it to survive on a daily basis. It is even difficult to imagine life without its conveniences.

ContentsStrategic Goals Ongoing InvestmentThe Role of IT in BusinessEmployee Training and SupportCommercial Relations ManagerConvergenceMetricsAlign your IT infrastructure with your business goals

The same is true for businesses. A company must have a good IT strategy to survive in the digital age. After all, they need it to achieve their goals.

This is business-IT alignment. These areas of your organization must work together to achieve your goal.

How can you align your IT infrastructure with your business goals? Read on and learn the key elements necessary for your success.

Strategic Objectives

First, you need to have strategic goals for your business. What do you want to accomplish?

Setting goals is another topic, but it's crucial to achieving IT alignment. Whether you want to increase brand awareness, make more sales, or attract new customers, you need to be clear about them first.

After which, you can think about how you can reach them through technology. Your IT strategy should help you achieve these goals. Do your current methods support your strategies for achieving your goals?

The strategy of the business side and that of the IT side of a company must align. To do this, first set yourself clear objectives.

Continuous investment

Many companies make the mistake of leaving their IT team to their devices. You might think you can leave them alone after creating the infrastructure. This is especially when you need to focus on new products and services.

However, as we said, this is a big mistake because technology requires regular investment. It's not because they can't adapt to changing needs. This is due to the rapidly changing technology landscape.

For an IT team to keep up, it needs the ongoing investment and support of its business. This is important for maintaining and improving business alignment goals. They also need to keep up with trends to be ready for the future of enterprise architecture.

The role of IT in the company

The company and all its members must be clear about the role of the IT department. It's crucial to the success of a business, but not everyone sees it that way.

For many, the important aspects of a business are the revenue generators. Unfortunately, IT is not one of them. That's part of why they might think it doesn't need continued investment.

This is a major concern for many IT professionals as they are often underpaid and undervalued. However, they are one of the main drivers of a company's operations.

Everyone should be aware of this fact. Otherwise, the alignment will be difficult to achieve.

Employee training and support

An IT strategy will only work if everyone is comfortable with it. Who will implement the strategy?

Everyone in your business has a role to play in achieving your business goals. As such, you must provide training to each employee.

However, make sure to provide the right support according to their needs. It will be different for each department in your organization.

Part of everyone's training should be teaching how the computer system helps your business goals. This allows them to better understand alignment and the importance of fulfilling their assigned roles.

Commercial-relations manager

Miscommunication is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, barrier to aligning your IT infrastructure with your business goals. Gaps often occur because the leaders of different departments don't work together or don't like each other.

As a result, senior managers focus on their specific obligations instead of learning to work together to achieve organizational goals. The resulting misalignment leads to more problems on the road.

That's why hiring a business relationship manager is a wise move for companies facing this issue. They will facilitate IT convergence and alignment.

Their expertise does not stop at commercial operations. They often have the technical knowledge required to communicate effectively with the IT team. As a liaison and diplomat, they can improve relations and communication.


When talking about alignment, you will probably also come across the term "convergence". Is it different?

Both refer to working together towards the same goal, but they have one key difference. The alignment works side by side, but as separate entities. Convergence is integration to become one.

This can be the key to breaking down communication and execution barriers. When different areas of a business become one, they can better understand each other's roles and rely on each other for success.

Think of it as a basketball or football team. While each player has their specific role, everyone on the team moves as one to score a goal. When they do, they can recognize that everyone contributed to the success.


How do you know your alignment strategy is working? The only way is to track your progress. You need to monitor important metrics.

Gather all the important data related to your monitoring journey. You may need to purchase advanced tools or deploy technology to access these types of data.

The right software depends on your desired metrics. For example, in digital marketing, you can use web analytics and other tools to gauge your performance.

Either way, tracking is important to your IT alignment goals. This is how you can determine the effectiveness of your trading strategies. You can apply some tweaks as you see fit.

Align your IT-infrastructure with your business goals

Aligning your IT infrastructure is easier said than done. However, it is not impossible to achieve when you have the elements to succeed.

The key is to foster communication between different executives and teams. Everyone should be aware of the goals and their role in achieving them.

Looking for more ways to improve your business? If so, check out our other guides and learn more valuable tips and tricks today.