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What does PKMB mean?

In case you are looking for what PKMB stands for, meaning of PKMB, abbreviation of PKMB, meaning of PKMB, shortening of PKMB, then at this point you have come to the right place on the grounds that here we will give you the meaning of PKMB slang, PKMB definition, PKMB abbreviation, PKMB contraction just like how this PKMB abbreviation is used during discussions.

This page is about the meaning, contraction and abbreviation of PKM, explaining the definition or meaning and giving useful data of comparable terms.

PKMB Stands for:Pseudoepitheliomatous Keratotic Micaceous Balanitis

What is PKMB?

There can be more than one PKMB meaning, so look at all PKMB meanings one by one.

PKMB definition / PKMB means?

The meaning of PKMB is given above, so look at the related data.

What is the meaning of PKMB?

The meaning of PKMB is further clarified before. So far, you may have thought about the abbreviation, short form, or meaning of PKMB.

Also Read:PepeLaugh Meaning

What does PKMB mean? is specified before. You may also like some comparative terms related to PKMB to learn more. This site contains various terms identified with banking, insurance agencies, cars, money, cell phones, programming, computers, travel, school, universities, studies, well-being and various terms.